So, is it a problem if the B couple overtakes the MCs in a romcom? The funny thing is, I have absolutely no issues with the main pairing here. I like both Yui and Masugu, a lot actually. It’s just that I think I’ve become more invested in Somei-kun and Hayakawa-san. I guess my answer to that question would have to be “depends on the reason”. If it’s because the main couple is a bore or annoying (I’m not sure which is worse) then yeah, it’s a problem. But here, when it’s something of an embarrassment of riches? I guess it’s a first-world problem at the very worst.
There’s been a momentum behind this pairing that seemed increasingly likely to overcome Hayakawwa’s attempts to screw it up. Now it comes to a head when Somei invites Hayakawa to go see “their” band in concert (they already have a their band, their cafe – in what way are they not a couple?). Keisuke confides to Shizuno that he’s never been to a concert, which she both (rightly) finds adorable and sees as a reminder of their experience gap. It gives her at least a minimally plausible means by which to write this off as not a date, but that’s getting harder and harder.
There’s a bit of A-couple stuff here too, with the focus on Masugu’s big day with the exam. But honestly, you can tell the narrative’s heart isn’t as into expositing Masugu’s struggles as Yui’s. As it turns out Masugu has a bit of exam phobia – one of the most common there is. As such he doesn’t sleep the night before and is convinced he’s going to fail (though his actual track record is mixed at worst). Yui’s means of motivation is to show him the ¥120,000 per night suite she plans to have him pay for is he loses their bet. In point of fact it seems like Masugu does pretty well – he’s confident at least, after the fact.
But really, this is all about Hayakawa and Somei. And boy, are they up to the challenge of carrying an episode. Mostly we see this from her perspective, as she struggles with everything from choosing an outfit on down. It’s perfectly fine to wear a band T-shirt when you’re going to see that band, but she talks herself out of it. The concert is fine, and in the aftermath Somei makes it pretty clear he saw this as a date and wants more. But not explicit, which Hayakawa takes as license to continue the charade. At best she confuses him with her response, leaving things awkward between them.
The thing is, I totally get why Shizuno is hesitating here. “Don’t piss in your own bath water” is good advice to start with – office romances are high risk. You break up, you have to see that person – woof. And she has scar tissue on top of that, with a guy named Nonoyama who sounds like he was a total jerkwad. None of this is easy, as if any romantic relationship is easy. But then there’s the age difference, which some write off dismissively but not me. 32 and 24 is by no means a deal-breaker, no. But eight years is still a long time. They’re still young enough for it to matter, and it’s not something trivial. If Keisuke were a more commanding dude with more experience, it would be less of an issue. But he’s pretty childlike in many ways. Which is one reason Shizuno loves him, ironically.
It all comes to a head when Keisuke (not coincidentally) bumps into Shizuno outside the office. She was intent on drinking away her anxiety over him, but now she has to do it in his company. And once plastered, she blurts out that he “makes her heart race”. Then she passes out, and he has to take her home – his home, as he has no idea where she lives. Obviously he’s not the type to do anything untoward, but she’s still pretty freaked out when she wakes up in his bed. I think it’s distinctly possible Keisuke has never slept with a woman (especially after what happens next it seems so), which would no doubt raise Shizuno’s anxiety level yet further.
When Somei’s mom walked in, I just about lost it laughing. That was a perfect moment in every way, including the perfect agony for Hayakawa. He really is still a kid, that’s a reality she’s going to have to accept if this goes any farther. And it will, because on the way to the station Keisuke says “in case it wasn’t clear the other night, I like you. And when you were drunk you said I made your heart race”, and Shizuno finally gives in. This is definitely one of those opposites attract romances, and in reality that concept can be overrated. But I think it applies here – their chemistry is dynamite. He’s just earnest enough, I think, to overcome the obstacles and let this thing work.