What Causes Thumb Pain And Its 7 Homeopathic Remedies

Thumb pain can result from various reasons. Depending on the underlying cause, it can be attended with stiffness, swelling, tenderness, redness, clicking sound while moving the thumb. Other symptoms that may appear along with this are numbness, tingling sensation and weakness in the thumb. Thumb pain can be persistent or may come and go varying from case to case.

Homeopathy proves to be highly effective in cases of thumb pain. It is recommended for both acute as well as chronic cases of thumb pain.  Homeopathic medicines give excellent results in case of thumb pain. Along with pain, they also aid in managing attending signs and symptoms like swelling, stiffness, numbness, tingling, soreness and tenderness in the thumb. In conventional mode, pain killers, steroidal injections are advised as per the case to treat thumb pain. Though they provide relief quickly, it is mostly temporary. Homeopathic treatment aims to cure cases of thumb pain while addressing the root cause behind it.

Homeopathic medicines go to the core of the problem to treat the principal underlying cause to help relieve thumb pain. Causes like joint inflammation, tendon inflammation or overstraining, injury, carpal tunnel syndrome can be wonderfully addressed in homeopathy. As the root cause is treated, there occurs great relief followed by complete recovery in most of the cases. A treatment for few months’ time is required as per the case to accomplish great results.

Homeopathic treatment for thumb pain is not generalised rather individualized, means homeopathic prescription for thumb pain is done separately for every individual case.  To prescribe the most suitable homeopathic medicine, a detailed case evaluation of the presenting signs and symptoms is required. So one should consult a homeopathic physician for case evaluation and proper homeopathic prescription. Self- medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic medicines for thumb pain treatment are natural, hence are safe for long-term use with no side effects. These medicines boost the body’s self-restorative mechanism to aid a natural recovery in these cases. Besides being safe, another advantage of these medicines is that they never cause any dependency and can be stopped easily on getting the needed results.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Thumb Pain

The most prominent homeopathic medicines for treating thumb pain are Rhus Tox, Ledum Palustre, Arnica, Causticum, Chamomilla, Ambra Grisea and Spongia.

1. Rhus Tox – Top Recommended Medicine

Rhus Tox is a well-indicated medicine for managing complaints related to joints and tendons. It is an excellent medicine for thumb pain which gets worse at night. There is inability to use the thumb due to excessive pain. The thumb is also painful to touch. This medicine is especially helpful when the joint of the thumb is inflamed (arthritis) or gets strained.

When to use Rhus Tox?

Rhus Tox should be highly considered to treat thumb pain that gets worse at night and from touch from issues related to joints or tendons.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Initially one may take it in 30C potency, two to three times a day as per the severity of the complaint. Its high potencies like 200C, 1M can also be taken but only under the supervision of a homeopathic physician.

2. Ledum Palustre – For Thumb Pain With Stiffness

This medicine is highly effective when there is pain in the thumbs attended with stiffness. In most cases needing it, pain is felt in the first joint of the thumbs. Nodes may form on the finger joints due to high uric acid. Increased sweating on the palms of hands is also noted.

When to use Ledum Palustre?

Ledum Palustre is a wonderful choice of medicine to manage thumb pain accompanied by stiffness.

How to use Ledum Palustre?

It is advised to use Ledum Palustre 30C once or twice a day.

3. Arnica – For Pain From Injury

This medicine is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing pain in any body part that results from an injury/trauma. This medicine may also be used for relieving pain in the thumb after an injury. Persons needing this medicine feel a sore, bruised pain in the thumb. Besides injury, Arnica is indicated for drawing pain in the right thumb and also for pain in the balls of the thumb, the fleshy area of the palm that lies adjacent to the second joint of the thumb.

When to use Arnica?

It is the best indicated homeopathic medicine for treating thumb pain resulting from an injury with marked soreness of the thumb.

How to use Arnica?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency twice or thrice a day in the beginning, with gradual reduction in dose when improvement starts.

4. Causticum – For Pain And Numbness In Thumb

This medicine is indicated for pain and numbness in the thumb and maybe the index finger. The thumb and index finger may also appear swollen. This may hinder the movement of hands. There may be drawing pain in the finger joints as well. Fingers may feel stiff. The tendons of the fingers may feel contracted.

When to use Causticum?

Causticum is a very suitable medicine to manage pain and numbness in the thumb along with swelling-like appearance.

How to use Causticum?

Causticum 30C can be taken once a day.

5. Chamomilla – For Thumb Pain On Movement

This medicine is recommended when there is pain in the thumb when it is moved. It is effective when thumb pain occurs from excessive exertion of the thumb. It is also beneficial when thumb pain happens due to a sprain. Along with pain, the thumb feels as if it is broken.

When to use Chamomilla?

Its use is suggested to manage thumb pain worsening from moving the thumb.

How to use Chamomilla?

It can be used in low as well as high potencies, but in the beginning it is advised to use it in 30C potency one to two times a day.

6. Ambra Grisea – For Thumb Pain Worse From Slight Touch

Ambra Grisea is a prominently indicated medicine to manage thumb pain that gets worse from even a slight touch. This medicine is also highly suitable for cases of thumb pain attended with tingling sensation in the thumb. Tingling can also occur in the fingers and hands. Drawing type of pain is felt in the thumb and fingers. The fingers and thumb tips can be itchy along with the above symptoms.

When to use Ambra Grisea?

This medicine can be used to treat thumb pain that worsens from the slightest touch.

How to use Ambra Grisea?

This medicine works wonders in 30C potency that should be taken once a day.

7. Spongia – For Thumb Pain Extending To Forearm

Spongia is a valuable medicine to help cases where pain from the thumb extends to the forearm. It is also indicated to manage a stitching kind of pain in the front joint of the thumb. The thumb joint may be sore and painful to touch. Next, this medicine is recommended for managing cramp-like pain in the balls of thumbs. Additionally, the finger joints may be red, swollen and stiff. There is difficulty in bending the fingers. There may be stitching pain in the hands.

When to use Spongia?

Its use is indicated to manage thumb pain that radiates to the forearm.

How to use Spongia?

Its use can be done in 30C power once or twice daily.

Causes behind Thumb Pain

Among the different reasons for thumb pain, the first one is arthritis i.e. inflammation of the joints. Arthritis that can affect the thumb may include osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis refers to a degenerative joint disease that occurs from wearing down and tearing of the joint cartilage. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune joint disorder in which the immune cells inflame and damage the joint out of a misdirected response.

The second cause can be a sprained thumb. Sprain refers to overstretching or tearing of the ligaments (fibrous tissue bands that connect one bone to another) of the thumb.

Thumb pain may also arise from an injury to the thumb or fracture (breakage of the bone) in the thumb bone.

Another important cause is trigger finger. It is a condition in which a finger gets stuck in the bent position and then gets straightened with a snap. It mostly affects the ring finger and thumb though any finger can be affected.  When this condition affects the thumb, it is called trigger thumb. This condition arises from the  inability of the tendons controlling the fingers to glide smoothly in the sheath surrounding the tendons.

Further causes include CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome) and De Quervain’s tendinitis. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition resulting from a compressed median nerve in the wrist. It results in pain along with numbness, tingling and weakness in the hands and the fingers. De Quervain’s tendinitis is a condition that affects the tendons (elastic tissue bands that connect muscle to bone) on the thumb side of the wrist. It results in pain at the base of the thumb along with swelling. With this, thumb and wrist movements become difficult.


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