No More Ramen — No more ramen-ramen…

So I know this blog is trying to get people away from those packaged ramen noodles (and I understand why) but when my wife was pregnant she craved ramen and I wouldn’t make her the packaged stuff (it has a ton of MSG) so I got a little creative. Traditionally ramen is noodles served in hot broth. So here is my recipe

Things you will need:
A spoon
Your imagination

Broth your choice (my wife likes chicken broth but you could use any, I haven’t tried it with veggie broth but it would still work)
Rice noodles (I prefer the stick noodles but any will work)
Veggies! Things like peas, bean sprouts etc. are all really good
And Soy (my favorite soy is silver swan but any will work really)
Soft boiled egg (optional)
Meat ( if you are using chicken broth I suggest chicken, beef with beef etc.)(optional)

Prepare the rice noodles according to directions on package. Warm your broth separately (I find this gives the soup a better flavor) and season with soy to taste. Put the broth in your serving vessel of choice and place noodles in second, top with meat and raw veggies and egg, if you wish to you can also garnish with a piece of seasoned seaweed.

This on my opinion tastes better than the packaged version and even better you can control what you are putting into it. I have seen people use tofu in the place of meat. This is a simple recipe and as long as the broth is nice and hot the options are limitless!

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