Why I continue investing in Singapore


I want to begin by saying that there’s no “right” or “wrong”
investment strategy – we are all investing based on our convictions, our
beliefs, our risk appetites, how we perceive data and much more. I am not
making a judgement of whether one investment strategy is “better” than another,
because ultimately, we are all investing for the same goal – to make money.

In recent years, a popular line of thought is to simply
invest in the S&P500. In this post, I share my thoughts on this concept,
specifically looking at the implications for Singapore-based investors
who may choose to pursue this strategy.

Personally, while I invest in the S&P500 (albeit not exactly, but via a Quality factor ETF), I don’t believe in putting all my eggs in the
same basket. Thus, the intention of this post is to share why I continue to
invest in the Singapore market, and have allocated a significant portion of my
portfolio (~50%) to local stocks. Generally, people my age (mid-20s) tend to
shun the Singapore stock market altogether. The post touches on the reasons why
I continue doing so.

Recency bias?

I think there’s a bit of recency bias and hindsight bias
when it comes to STI vs S&P500 debate. Let’s use the period from the turn
of the millennium (year 2000) to illustrate this. From the chart below, the
S&P returned 172% from 2000 (dotcom peak) till today, while the STI
returned 56%. The S&P500 clearly did better.

STI vs S&P500, 2000 to 2023. Chart from TradingView.

But since we are looking at things from the perspective of
Singaporean investor, we have to consider the FX movements as well.
In 2000 the USDSGD rate was around 1.70. Today, it is around 1.33. So in SGD
terms, the Singaporean investor who invested in the S&P would have suffered
a -22% FX loss.

And what about dividends? I am too lazy to get the data from
2000 till today, but generally the yield on the STI would have been 3 to 4% for
the STI, compared to ~2% for the S&P. Over 23 years, this further narrows
the outperformance of the S&P vs the STI.

Let’s further analyse the reference period into two separate
periods. The first being from 2000 (dotcom peak) to 2010 (a year after the GFC
lows), aka the “lost decade” for the S&P500. And the second, being from
mid-2010 till today.

STI vs S&P500, 2000 to 2010. Chart from TradingView.

STI vs S&P500, 2010 to 2023. Chart from TradingView.

What is clear from the two charts above, is that the S&P500
hugely outperformed STI from 2010 till today, for sure. But in the decade
before that (2000 – 2010, aka the “lost decade”) for the S&P500, the STI outperformed
the S&P500. The S&P500 returned -22% from the dotcom peak till 2010, a
full 10 years, while the STI returned +35%.

The outperformance of the S&P500 vs the STI was supercharged
only in the period post-GFC, when ultra-low interest rates propelled the
S&P500 on a 13-year long bull run, during which the S&P500 gained 249%,
against the STI’s 15%.

Going forward, I think it’s tough to say what will happen.
On one hand, many of the best and most innovative companies globally are in the
S&P500, which should continue to do well. But on the other hand, valuations
for the S&P500 were rather stretched in late 2021 (and one may argue, that
for the Nasdaq, sentiment was similar to the previous dotcom peak), and mean
reversion is possible. Could the tech-frenzy in late 2021 be compared to the
mania of 2000, and if so, what can we expect of the US market’s performance in
the next decade?

I think ultimately one’s perspective in this issue depends
on when they had started investing.

If you speak to a relatively young person (30s and below)
who only started investing post-GFC, or worse still, only recently during
Covid, then obviously during this timeframe the US market vastly outperformed
the SG market. Hence, they will have the perspective of ignoring the SG market

But if you speak to the older folks, like people in their
50s and 60s, who have actually made good money in the SG market during heydays
of the 1990s and 2000s, then they would tell you the exact opposite – you can
do well in the Singapore market.

I think even if we look beyond the golden era for the
Singapore market (when the economy was transiting from an emerging market to a
developed market), there are some SG stocks that have continued to do well –
DBS, Sheng Siong, Raffles Medical, Parkway Life Reit… just to name a few.

Maybe I’m biased, because I started investing 8 years ago,
and took guidance mainly from my older relatives – hence the preference for
value/dividend names. But again, it all boils down to your conviction, your
beliefs and your perspective. Your money, your call.

Currency Risks

Currency risk is a huge consideration as well. Of course,
the USD being the global reserve currency provides some comfort. But if we look
at how some of the other major currencies have performed over the decades, it’s
no surprise why some older Singaporeans (especially retirees) shun foreign denominated

You may hear older relatives mention how the GBP/SGD went
from more than 3 in the early 2000s, to 1.6 today, or how the AUD/SGD dropped
from 1.30 to 0.90 today. Anyone holding investments denominated in GBP or AUD
would have seen 30% to 50% FX losses in SGD terms.

Thus, when Warren Buffet suggested that people only need to
buy the S&P500, because that represents the “economy”, I think that’s more
applicable specifically to US citizens. For US citizens, it makes sense to have
100% USD exposure if one is retiring in the US and have their cash flows /
expenses entirely in USD.

But as a Singaporean spending SGD in retirement, I think it
is more prudent to have at least a substantial part of your cash generating
assets in SGD. Unless you’re retiring in a location where the USD is widely
accepted (some tourist friendly, SEA locations), then having your entire
retirement nest egg in USD seems risky.

We don’t know how the USD/SGD will perform in the long run,
especially with geopolitical issues and such. Having your entire investment
portfolio denominated in USD means that you’re betting on the US-led, unipolar
world to continue, whereas having a globally diversified investment portfolio
across multiple currencies may turn out better in the event the world becomes
increasingly multipolar, leading to a decline in the USD’s dominance.

At this point I will suggest reading some of the research
notes by Zoltan Pozsar on the US Dollar; there have been many people sharing
these notes on LinkedIn. He shares some interesting analysis of the
Russian-Ukraine war’s impact on the USD’s dominance.

If one is really adamant on only investing in a single
– then maybe the IWDA/VRWA/VT may be a more ideal from a
diversification perspective. Although these are still denominated in USD,
holding a globally diversified portfolio means that part of your FX exposure
will be based on the underlying currencies of the global stocks in the

Merits of the Singapore market

Let’s take a step back and appreciate the merits of the
Singapore market. We don’t have capital gains taxes. We don’t have dividend
withholding taxes. Valuations are generally less frothy (at least in recent
years). These boring, mature companies usually pay a decent dividend.

Thus, I am investing in the Singapore market exactly with
these merits in mind – to generate a steady stream of dividends for my early
retirement. And the Singapore market has served me well for that.

The STI pays a stable dividend of around 4%, and going
forward, even if STI has zero capital appreciation, and barring any
catastrophic financial system meltdown, at least I get the 4% dividend yearly.

My approach

Having said the above, my current approach is to have around
10% in QUAL (SPY equivalent) and 10% in STI. As I’m only targeting a rather
conservative 5% annualised return to hit my FIRE goals, I think I will be able
to reach it, regardless of whether SPY outperforms STI in the next decade or
not. Broadly, I still choose to having around 50% of my portfolio in SG investments
(S-REITs, STI and SG dividend payers), while having exposure to the US, China
and Developed Markets via other stocks/ETFs.

Therefore, will the US market continue to outperform the
Singapore market, as it has done for the past decade?

Or, will the next few years of higher interest rates benefit
the more “value” oriented Singapore stocks?

My answer is that I don’t know. But I for sure will not put
all my eggs in the same basket.

Remember, past performance does not guarantee future

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