Dear Mr. Market:
Can you imagine how you would be feeling if you had acted upon the advice from all the doom and gloomers the past year? How some of these financial “gurus” and economic pundits still have an audience is fascinating!?! Want to know why they still have a platform and hold many people’s attention?
Fear sells.
That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. Normally we don’t run victory laps or spend any time patting ourselves on the back, but this year we’re going to be blunt. We’re going to remind people that if you listened to everyone and followed all the fearmongers your portfolio would be sitting in cash and you would have missed one of the better and least expected positive years ever. We’re not running around with rose colored glasses but if you listened and followed the steady hand of My Portfolio Guide, LLC this past year instead, you’re in a very decent spot and hopefully learned something for when (not if) this happens again.
The stock market WILL go down again…but it will also always eventually finish higher. Sure, 2022 was a dismal and quite frankly unprecedented rough year, and couple that with all the worrisome headlines of massive debt, inverted yield curves, geo-political issues etc., you would naturally be influenced to run for the hills. We were crystal clear that we thought, albeit not a popular opinion, this year would finish positive and we would see a strong Q4. We’ve held onto this stance even through a very negative late summer (August through October) where the market pulled back considerably.
Before you review a past article we wrote on June 9, 2017, we want to show you how the S&P 500 has done since that time, along with three other broad indexes/market caps (Mid Caps, Small Caps, and International stocks)

Per the simple chart above, the S&P is up +95% since then and even Mid, Small and International (which have lagged considerably) are all up a respective 57%, 51% and 30%. Now, before you ever go back to listen to the Perma-bears at places like Zero Hedge, we encourage you to read the article we wrote seven years ago (link below in the following paragraph).
Click here and if you don’t have time to read our old (but still true) words…try at least to watch the short video with Jim Rogers (billionaire guru and ultra convincing “bear”) tell us how the worst crash of our lifetime is coming in a year or so. Like a broken clock. which is “right twice a day”, he and others may eventually nail that prediction, but for now, bears could not be more dead wrong for almost another decade.