Carrot and avocado is one of my favorite stage one baby food recipes. It’s creamy and delicious with a hint of sweet from the carrots. Plus, avocados are a superfood, loaded with healthy fats for baby’s growing brain. As always, before combining foods, make sure your baby has tried each one individually first with no reaction to it.
Carrot and Avocado
Makes 4-6oz
Note: Use organic ingredients whenever possible.
2 medium carrots – washed, peeled and chopped
1/2 a ripe avocado
Pour water into a pot until its about 1 inch deep and bring to a boil over hight heat. Please the carrots into a steamer basket and place the basket into the pot. Cover with a tight fitting lid and let steam for 10 minutes. Place the avocado and cooked carrots into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Add a little breastmilk, formula or water while blending to achieve a smoother consistency, if needed. This puree is best served shortly after preparing. Enjoy!