Pink Radish, Potato, and Cream Cheese baby Puree Recipe (From 6 Months)

Did you think it was impossible to cook pink radishes and feed them to your baby? Just like black radishes, they can be cooked and are very mild after cooking!

If there’s one recipe that babies love, it’s the black radish recipe I posted on the blog several years ago (which you can find here). It’s a delight and has an unbeatable smoothness in the mouth. There’s absolutely no reason to refrain from making a similar recipe with pink radishes. And you should take advantage of it because it’s pink radish season!

With a bit of cream cheese, sour cream, or even without dairy, it’s a very mild puree because, surprisingly, radishes are not at all spicy once cooked.

So, are you tempted by this lovely pink radish recipe?

Here’s what you need to make this baby pink radish, potato, and cream cheese puree recipe (From 6 months, for 1 portion of approximately 6.35 ounces):


  • 80g of pink radishes (about 10 large pink radishes)
  • 60g of potato (1 medium-sized peeled potato)
  • 1 square of cream cheese (Philadelphia, for example, 20/25g)
  • Aromatic herbs such as chives (optional)


Start by trimming the ends of the pink radishes, wash them vigorously to remove all the dirt, and cut them in half or quarters depending on their size.

Pink radish ingredient for baby puree recipeBegin by thoroughly washing the potato, peeling it, and slicing it thinly.

Potato ingredient for baby puree recipe


Steam them all, and it’s time for 12 minutes of cooking.

Steam cooking pink radish and potato or baby pureeOnce the steaming of the pink radishes and potato is done, place them in a blender with a little cooking water (feel free to adjust as needed for your baby’s desired consistency).Put your square of cream cheese in the blender with the pink radishes and potato.

Philadelphia cream cheese ingredient for baby puree recipeBlend until you get a smooth consistency.

Cooking water for baby pureeThe baby pink radish, potato, and cream cheese puree recipe (From 6 Months) is now complete!

Feel free to give me some feedback once your baby has tasted it; I love to hear your testimonials πŸ™‚

Enjoy your meal, baby!

Pink Radish, Potato, and Cream Cheese baby Puree Recipe (From 6 Months)

Pink Radish, Potato, and Cream Cheese baby Puree Recipe (From 6 Months) was last modified: 13 October 2023 by Cooking for my baby

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