Earlier this week, our Industry All-Access subscribers received in their email inbox this week’s subscriber-exclusive article that Kate reported, parsing the latest industry economic data but reading beyond the surface for a deeper look at what’s really going on. We’ve all read the hyperbolic clickbait articles out there about craft beer’s demise, and for the first time in almost twenty years, we saw a net decline in operating breweries in the United States last year. But at the same time, we’ve been hearing anecdotally from a number of brewers such as Neil Fisher of WeldWerks, in episode 400, that they were growing despite the significant headwinds. This cognitive dissonance got us thinking about how data purport to tell certain truths, but that “truth” is limited by the nature of how data are collected. Craft beer in the United States is both big and small, but our primary sources of data address only the biggest channels of the craft-beer business, leading to distortions in perception that could potentially have damaging effects for craft beer as a whole.
With that in mind, Kate sought out some answers to the questions we had—does this meta-narrative we’ve been reading have truth to it, does it accurately describe the reality that craft brewers are facing, do other data that suggest different or more varied truths, and what can we take away to build a fuller picture of the current state of craft beer?
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G&D Chillers (https://gdchillers.com): G&D Chillers Elite 290 Micro-series line utilizes a natural refrigerant, features a more compact design with variable speed fans, and offers near-zero global warming potential. The future of sustainable refrigeration is here! Learn more about G&D’s Elite 290 line and visit GDCHILLERS.COM.
Berkeley Yeast (https://berkeleyyeast.com). Stop worrying about diacetyl with Berkeley Yeast’s line of Fresh™ strains. These revolutionary yeast strains are engineered to produce the ALDC enzyme inside the cell, preventing diacetyl before it forms. That means no more lengthy diacetyl rests—just clean, crisp beer that’s ready for packaging sooner. Learn more at berkeleyyeast.com/fresh.
Old Orchard (https://www.oldorchard.com/brewer): As breweries expand beyond beer into other segments like mocktails and CBD beverages, Old Orchard is here to help. Whether trending flavor additions or nostalgic favorites, the next best thing is around the corner at Old Orchard. More information and free samples are waiting at oldorchard.com/brewer
Indie Hops (https://indiehops.com) Strata, Indie’s original hop release, is now available in cold-side flowable hop oil form—Strata HyperBoost—in coordination with Yakima Chief Hops. Indie Hops T90 pellets establish the multi-layered Strata experience, while cryogenic CGX pellets in coordination with Crosby Hops, and now Strata HyperBoost with YCH expand the possibilities. Learn more about Strata and Indie’s more recent hop releases at www.indiehops.com.
Ss Brewtech (https://www.ssbrewtech.com) Featuring a laser-welded cooling jacket for efficient and precise temperature control, an innovative silicone racking arm, and a carbonation stone that allows you to carbonate right in the fermenter, Unitank 2.0 is engineered to help you get the most out of your fermentations! Visit Ss Brewtech.com to learn more!
Isuzu Trucks (https://www.isuzucv.com) Whether you are looking for a self-distribution solution or one to deliver supplies, there is an Isuzu truck that will fit your needs. Go to isuzucv.com to check out their impressive lineup or visit an Isuzu dealer today to find out why now, more than ever, Isuzu trucks are the trucks you trust for the work you do!
Cytiva (https://info.cytivalifesciences.com/sample-request-brewing.html) Protecting your beer’s highest quality is crucial to maintain its unique taste and prevent spoilage organisms, and microbiological testing plays a vital role in this process. Cytiva offers a comprehensive portfolio of laboratory filtration products designed for both lab and production-floor use.
Brewery Workshop (https://breweryworkshop.com) If you’re launching a brewery or acquiring an existing one, consider our brewery workshop and new brewery accelerator, September 14 through 17th in Fort Collins, Colorado. Visit breweryworkshop.com for more information and to secure your spot.