Republica Argentina 757-200, ARG-01, c/n 29306/920 parked in the Fuerza Aerea Argentina (Argentina Air Force) section at Buenos Aires Aeroparque (AEP) on 25Jul24. (Phil Perry Photo)
Republica Argentina 757-200, ARG-01, c/n 29306/920, has been grounded at Buenos Aires Aeroparque (AEP) since 26Jun24 due to its having exceeded the allowed hours/cycles for the heavy maintenance “C” Check, even after all permissble extensions.
The aircraft was due for its “C” Check in March 2024, but a legal challlenge to the US$ 3 million contract for the check and an upgrade of its satellite communications system delayed its signing. The “C” Check was further delayed when ARG-01 was unexpectedly pressed into continued service in April due to the greater security afforded to Argentine President Javier Milei by the use of this plane, with its government-level security, compared to the less stringent security measures of the private companies providing the smaller and more economical aircraft that were previously chartered as part of the president’s austerity drive.