Spreadsheet Package for Churches and Nonprofits

for Churches and Nonprofits

Spreadsheet Package

Need a simple workbook (set of spreadsheets) to track donors and their donations?

How about an accounting workbook that will track the income and expense for up to 5 funds?

The Spreadsheet Package available below includes workbooks to do just that along with several more spreadsheets and documents you can use to reconcile your bank accounts to your accounting records, track your business miles, plus customizable cash contribution, non cash contribution, and a quid pro quo contribution statements.

Note: You must have MS Excel, Numbers, or the free spreadsheet software from Openoffice.org on your computer to download spreadsheets.

See more details on the files included in the Spreadsheet package below…

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 Includes both the Church Accounting Package and the Spreadsheet Package!

Included in this package are 2 ebook packages and the 6 accounting workbooks plus 1 Word document included in the Spreadsheet Package! 

Bought separately, you would pay $95.60 for all 3 packages, but for a limited time, you can purchase both eBooks packages in the Church Accounting Package and everything in the Spreadsheet Package in the COMBO PACKAGE for only…


That’s over a 25% discount!

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Included in this package are the workbooks and worksheets listed below.  

Bought separately, you would pay $47.75, but for a limited time, you can purchase the Spreadsheet Package for only…


That is over a 25% Discount!

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List of the Digital Files included in the Spreadsheet Package

Workbook 1: Contribution Tracking

This is a “easy to set up and use” workbook for tracking your donors and donations. You can print out each individual worksheet for annual contribution statements as all of the donation worksheets have the required disclaimer on them. 

The Contribution Tracking Workbook includes:

1 Total Donors Worksheet (This worksheet is a view only page.  It will show a year to date contribution total for each donor. Buttons in the first column will take you to each donor’s page.)

33 Individual Donor worksheets (Set up and ready for your donor/donation recording. Instructions for setting up more donor worksheets are included.)

Please watch this short video of instructions on setting up this workbook to see how it looks and how easy it is to set up and use: Contribution Tracking Workbook Setup and Use Instructions

Included in the Spreadsheet and Combo Package. However, you can purchase it by itself for only $15.95 by clicking the ADD TO CART button below!

Here is what a customer said about the Spreadsheet Package:

“Thank you Vickey for doing all you do to help churches. We are a new
church plant and could not afford, or need at this time, expensive
complicated software. This has helped our new church keep track of our
money for record keeping purposes and it has been such a blessing!!!!”

– Jan from CA

Workbook 2: Five Fund Accounting Workbook

This is a workbook for bookkeeping for churches and nonprofits! You can track up to 5 different funds or bank accounts … with the option of adding more funds!

You can also track your budget compared to your actual expenses each month … automatically! 

The 5 Fund Automatic Accounting Workbook includes:

  • 12 General Ledgers(for accounting data entries)
  • 12 Monthly Reports (data will automatically carry over from the GLs to populate the reports)
  • 4 Quarterly Reports (data will automatically carry over from the GLs to populate the reports)
  • 1 Annual Report (automatically generated)
  • 1 Summary Report (automatically generated -shows income and expenses for each month for comparisons)
  • 1 Budget to Actual Report (compares annual budget to previous year’s and current year’s expenses)
  • 1 Directory (one click will take you to your desired report)
  • 1 Chart of Accounts(after you fill in all accounts will populate to the appropriate ledgers and reports)
  • 1 Information worksheet (please read first for set up instructions and tips)

NOTE: This accounting workbook is set up with 5 funds, 10 income accounts, and 40 expense accounts. It is also “customizable to add more fund, income, and expense accounts. 

Please watch this short video of instructions on setting up this workbook to see how it looks and how easy it is to set up and use: 

5 Fund Accounting Spreadsheet Tutorial

Included in the Spreadsheet and Combo Package. However, you can purchase it by itself for only $15.95 by clicking the ADD TO CART button below!

Workbook 3-5: Bank Reconciliation, Mileage Log, & Travel Reimbursement Workbooks

This is a combination of 3 workbooks:

bank recon, mileage log, and travel cover

Workbook 3: Bank Reconciliation Workbook

bank recon top

This bank reconciliation workbook will help you reconcile your bank accounts each month! Just copy it for each bank account!

See tip #3 on Church Bookkeeping Tips and 5 Errors to Avoid!

The Bank Reconciliation Workbook includes:

  • 12 Monthly Bank Reconciliation worksheets (reconcile your general ledger and your bank statements)
  • 1 Information worksheet

Workbook 4: Mileage Log

See “Mileage Reimbursement Rules” in this article on Accountable Reimbursement Plan Guidelines for the importance of requiring a mileage log BEFORE you reimburse staff for any milage!

The Mileage Log Workbook includes:

  • 12 Mileage Tracking worksheets (track mileage and tolls. Can be used for an accountable reimbursement plan or to keep track of mileage and related information for your tax return.)
  • 1 Information worksheet

Workbook 5: Travel Reimbursement

The Travel Reimbursement Workbook includes:

Note: The travel reimbursement form has a header that will need to be modified with your church or nonprofit’s name. 

To customize:

  • Click on the Insert Tab
  • In the TEXT section, click on the Header & Footer Icon
  • Highlight the word “Church” and type in your organization’s name.

All 3 workbooks ar included in the Spreadsheet and Combo Package. However, you can purchase them by themself for only $4.95 by clicking the ADD TO CART button below!

Here is what another customer said about the Spreadsheet Package:

“Thank you for the spreadsheets. I just took over treasurer for a start-up church and these sheets are definitely a great stepping stone for me to work with. Definitely beats re-inventing the wheel”!

                                                                                       -Steve from IL

Worksheet 6: Collection Count Sheet

The Collection Count Sheet is:

A worksheet used for a collection/offering count. It has fields to enter checks and cash received. It also has fields for up to 3 signatures.

This form is ready to use. Simply click on the
“Name” cell and type in your organization’s name. 

Included in the Spreadsheet and Combo Package. However, you can purchase them by themself for only $2.95 by clicking the ADD TO CART button below!

Here is what another customer said about the Spreadsheet Package:

“What a Blessing to me and my Church! Not only did they work, they also
provided step by step instructions on how to utilize the spreadsheets.
They have been a great tool to help keep our church financial records in
order, as well as, ensure we stay in compliance with Audit. Thank you Vickey for sharing an awesome accounting package for the small church.”

– Gylinda from DE

Word Document 7: Contribution Statements

This Word document has 3 examples of giving receipts for cash, noncash, and fundraiser donations. See more on When and How to Issue Contribution Receipts.

The Customizable Contribution Statements includes:

  • Annual Cash Contribution Statement
  • Noncash Contribution Receipt
  • Quid Pro Quo Contribution Receipt

Included in the Spreadsheet and Combo Package. However, you can purchase them by themself for only $2.95 by clicking the ADD TO CART button below!

Included in this package are the workbooks and worksheets listed below.  

Bought separately, you would pay $47.75, but for a limited time, you can purchase the Spreadsheet Package for only…


That is over a 25% Discount!

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For a limited time, SAVE even more with this 20% discount code:



“I was appointed to the Treasurer of a not-for-profit school in Port au Prince Haiti. Your spreadsheets make it so easy to track income and expenses!”

                                                                                         -Kaye from KS

“Thanks for the spreadsheets. I am using it for my church. It is a small church but we need to keeping track all monthly collection and expenses. I found your spreadsheets is a great help and saved me a lot of time to do my work.”

– VN from Indiana

“I have found the spreadsheets to be very handy and simple to follow.

Thank you and God Bless!”

  -Kelemu from Papua New Guinea

“I downloaded the spreadsheet in a heart beat, with no problems at all.
These spreadsheets are a great tool, very easy to use too.”

-Carlos from PA

Our Promise!

Notice: Your eBook purchase is 100% safe and secure – and 100% risk-free .

Your order will be processed in seconds – and then you can download the digital packaged files immediately from the web.

You can start reading it today!

Note: If you do not receive an immediate download link with your purchase or if you are having problems with the checkout process, please see this page: Problems with Purchase

Notice: If you have any problems with downloading any of my accounting packages, please check the FAQ page.
Hopefully you will find the solution to your problem or question. (If
not, it will tell you where to submit your question/problem.)

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