Loss of smell medically known as anosmia can be due to various reasons. Cold and nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis) are among the major causes behind it. These conditions tend to cause swelling and blockage in the nose that may result in loss of smell. There may be partial or complete loss of smell varying from case to case. Cold refers to viral infection of the nose and throat resulting from different kind of viruses among which rhinovirus is the most important virus. Common cold is contagious means it spreads from direct contact with infected persons. It can cause various symptoms that include runny nose, blocked/ stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, PND (post nasal drip means dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat), headache, weakness, body aches and low-grade fever. In some cases, it can result in loss of smell and taste as well. Nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis) refer to an overreaction of the immune system to an inhaled allergen like dust mites, pollens, etc. It results in symptoms including watery nasal discharge, sneezing, itching in the nose, blocked nose, and red watery itchy eyes. In long-term cases, a reduced power of smell may be noted along with the above symptoms.
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathy offers a natural and very effective treatment for cases of loss of smell from cold and allergies. The homeopathic medicines used for treating these cases are prepared from natural substances so do not have any side effects. They help in improving the sense of smell by treating the root cause behind it. Along with loss of smell, they also manage well any associated symptoms like nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal dryness, post nasal discharge and blocked nose. Homeopathic medicines for treating loss of smell are selected based on the individual symptoms in each and every case. It is recommended to consult a homeopathic physician before taking any homeopathic medicine to treat loss of smell. Self-medication should be avoided in all cases.
Homeopathic Medicines For Loss Of Smell From Cold And Allergies
1. Pulsatilla – Top Recommended Medicine
Pulsatilla is a highly recommended medicine for managing loss of smell in cases of cold. A very characteristic feature for using this medicine is thick yellow green discharge from the nose. Nose feels blocked, pressure is felt at the root of the nose. Nose may be sore to touch. Pain in the forehead can also attend. A constant tickling sensation can be felt in the nose. This is attended with violent sneezing in most of the cases. Along with loss of smell, there is also loss of taste where this medicine is required. It can be accompanied with loss of appetite.
2. Calcarea Carb – For Loss Of Smell With Dry, Blocked Nose
Calcarea Carb is the next well-indicated medicine for managing loss of smell. In cases needing this medicine, there is dryness and blockage of the nose at night. There is difficulty in breathing through nose at night. Yellow nasal discharge flows during the day. In some cases, nasal discharge is blood-stained as well. In addition to the above complaints, there may be constant sneezing in the morning on waking up. There may be bleeding from the nose in the morning.
3. Silicea – For Loss Of Smell And Taste
Silicea is a prominently indicated medicine for treating cases of loss of smell and taste accompanying cold. There is nasal blockage. Thick green yellow foul discharge may flow from the nose. Itching is felt in the nose. There is swelling in the nostrils. In some cases, the nose becomes dry with crusts inside. There may be alteration between dryness and discharge from nose. The inflammation of frontal sinus (frontal sinusitis) may be seen. Throbbing pain is felt in the forehead. Sometimes pain from the tip of the nose extends to the forehead.
4. Natrum Mur – For Loss Of Smell With Profuse, Clear Nasal Discharge
It is a very important medicine used in cases of cold and nasal allergies. It also works very effectively for managing cases of loss of smell with clear-white profuse nasal discharge. There is frequent sneezing. Nasal discharge and sneezing are worse in the morning. The nostrils are swollen with difficulty in breathing through the nose. Burning sensation is felt in the nose. Headache occurs almost daily in the morning on waking up.
5. Phosphorus – For Loss Of Smell With Alternate Nasal Discharge And Blockage
Phosphorus is a useful medicine for cases of loss of smell with nasal discharge and blocked nose alternating each other. There may be discharge from one nostril and blockage of the other at a given time. The nasal discharge is yellow green or blood streaked where this medicine is needed. In some cases, the nasal discharge dries up to form crusts and sticks in the nose. Sore pain is felt in the nostrils on touching the nose. There may also be a tendency of recurrent bleeding from the nose. One may feel a sore throat. There is loss of taste most of the times.
6. Hepar Sulph – With Nasal Discharge And Burning In Nostrils
Hepar Sulph is a helpful medicine for cases of loss of smell with nasal discharge and burning in the nose. The nasal discharge is yellow and sticky. Pain is felt in the nose that also affects the eyes. Nose feels blocked in the morning. Crusts and scabs can be present in the nose. Itching is felt in the nose that leads to sneezing. In some cases, mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat (PND). The mucus can be blood stained.
7. Kali Bichrome – For Loss Of Smell With Ropy Stringy Nasal Discharge
This medicine can be considered in cases of loss of smell with ropy, stringy discharge from the nose. The discharge is thick and yellowish or greenish in color. The nose feels blocked along with the above symptoms. There is difficulty in breathing through the nose due to blockage. Pain or pressure is felt at the root of the nose. There is intense sneezing in the morning. Kali Bichrome is also a leading homeopathic medicine for managing cases of sinusitis.
8. Arsenic Album – With Watery Nasal Discharge
Arsenic Album is of great help when there is loss of smell and watery discharge from the nose. The nose feels blocked even if there is free flow of nasal discharge. Burning and itching in the nostrils is well marked. There is frequent sneezing along with the above complaints.
9. Psorinum – For Loss Of Smell With Tough Mucus In Nose
Psorinum is yet another homeopathic medicine for managing loss of smell in case of cold. It helps relieve tough mucus from the nose. Soreness is felt in the nose. Nose is sensitive to inhaled air. Sometimes, dry nose is attended with nasal blockage. Along with cold, there is cough with yellow-green expectoration. There may be post nasal dripping means dripping of mucus from the back of nose into throat. It disturbs the most at night.