I have never seen XXXX Gold Lager in the US before, and I do not think that Castlemain Perkins imports in to the US. This macro lager is a low 3.5% ABV making it a sessionable lager. XXXX Gold is brewed in Milton Queensland, Australia with pale lager malt, Super Pride, Cluster, and Hop Extract. They also use yeast such as Australian Lager Yeast. This lager pours a gold color with a thin clear two finger bubbly head. The aroma is light and semisweet. The flavor is light bodied and full bodied. It starts light bodied then as it passes over the back of your tongue is becomes full bodied. It is smooth as well with a light metallic flavor. The mouth feel is light. This lager finishes soon with a low flavor. The aftertaste is slight sweet and that fades really quick. This is very easy to drink since it is 3.5% ABV. But this is okay, C- It doesn’t have much flavor and it is easy to forget the overall flavor of the beer. I don’t think I would rush back to have a XXXX Gold Lager. Please stay safe, be kind to each other l, and remember to enjoy responsibly. Cheers!