Raspberry Corn Donuts – Breadtopia

Unconventional donuts are one of the simple pleasures of life. I get to explore new flavor combinations with a relatively small commitment i.e. not a three tier cake. I’ve recently enjoyed maple bacon donuts and tres leches donuts, created a recipe for chocolate rye vanilla custard-filled “Dangerous Donuts,” and now here we have a new, pretty pink raspberry corn donut recipe. In theory this donut is for Valentine’s Day, though truth be told, the first two test batches had neither raspberries nor pink icing, and they were lovely in their simplicity. The bottom line is that you can have pink donuts any time of year, or tasty beige donuts on Valentine’s Day (omit the raspberries and icing), or use blue corn and blueberries.

For my third test batch, I made an icing with water, raspberry juice, and powdered sugar; and along with red corn flour, I used whole wheat flour instead of all purpose flour. That batch (photo below on the left) reminded me a bit too much of bran muffins and the icing was one-dimensional with no raspberry flavor. In the final version (photo below on the right), I added lemon juice to the icing, reverted to pairing the home-milled red cónico corn flour with all purpose flour, and added frozen raspberries to the batter.

That last batch was the winner: the donut has corn flavor and bright pops of fresh raspberry, the texture includes a bit of pericarp crackle and smooth dessertiness, and the sweet-tart icing adds flavor — not just decoration. (I contemplated adding sprinkles, but everything on the grocery shelves contained the recently banned red dye #3 and I don’t actually like the flavor or texture of sprinkles.)

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