Diarrhea means passing loose, watery stool three or more times per day or more often than usual. When it becomes chronic and lasts long, it can cause weight loss. Nutritional deficiencies and weakness set in along with weight loss. Body fluid is lost in cases of diarrhea. Additionally, a low appetite may be felt along with diarrhea which leads to decreased food intake. There may also be poor nutrition absorption. These factors play a role in causing weight loss in diarrhea cases. The medical reasons behind diarrhea and weight loss can be multiple. First reason can be IBS i.e. irritable bowel syndrome. IBS is a functional disorder of the large intestine (colon) in which there is loose stool or constipation or alteration between loose stool and constipation, besides gas, bloating and abdominal pain. Next cause can be celiac disease. It is an autoimmune disorder in which the lining of small intestine gets damaged due to consumption of gluten (a type of protein) present in wheat, rye, barley. Another reason may be IBD i.e. inflammatory bowel disease. IBD is an autoimmune disorder including two gastrointestinal disorders. First among these disorders is Crohn’s disease characterized by inflammation in any part of the GIT (gastrointestinal tract) starting from mouth to the anus. The second disorder of IBD is ulcerative colitis where inflammation and ulcers develop in the large intestine and/or in the rectum.
Food allergy and food intolerance can also be a cause. In case of food allergies, there is an overreaction of the immune system to consumption of some specific food and food intolerance refers to difficulty in digesting some particular food, for example lactose intolerance in which a person is unable to digest lactose which is a type of sugar in milk due to deficiency of enzyme lactase. Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland) can also be one of the reasons. Further causes include chronic pancreatitis, whipple’s disease and tropical sprue. Chronic pancreatitis refers to long-term inflammation of the pancreas. Whipple’s disease is a bacterial infection caused by tropheryma whipplei affecting the gastric system and joints. Tropical sprue is a condition in which there is inflammation of the intestine leading to long-term diarrhea, weight loss and malabsorption of nutrients affecting people living/visiting tropical areas for a long time period. Apart from the above, colorectal cancer may also be a reason behind diarrhea along with weight loss. Depending on the cause diarrhea may be attended with other signs and symptoms including nausea, vomiting, weakness, abdomen pain, mucus/blood in stool and fever.
Homeopathic Management
There is a great scope of managing cases of diarrhea with weight loss in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines are 100% natural medicines that focus on treating the underlying cause of diarrhea along with weight loss besides strengthening the body’s self-healing mechanism to overcome this complaint naturally. Homeopathic medicines gradually decrease the intensity and frequency of diarrhea along with controlling further weight loss. Homeopathic medicines are selected based on the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. A thorough case evaluation is required for prescribing homeopathic medicine. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic physician and avoid self-medication in any case. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases. In severe cases with extreme weight loss and where some serious cause is linked (for example colorectal cancer), one should take help from the conventional mode of treatment.
Homeopathic Medicines For Diarrhea With Weight Loss
1. Arsenic Album – Top Remedy
Arsenic Album is a top-recommended medicine for managing cases of diarrhea with weight loss. In cases needing it, there is loose stool with the passage of mucus. The mucus can be greenish. The stool has an offensive smell. Abdomen pain can attend it. Pain is cutting or tearing type mainly marked in the upper abdomen. Burning sensation is felt in the navel region before and during passing stool. Burning sensation also occurs in the rectum and anus. Vomiting can be present along with diarrhea. Weakness is well-marked along with the above complaints.
2. China Officinalis – For Loose Stool With Excessive Gas
China Officinalis is the next best medicine of great use for cases of diarrhea attended with weight loss. In cases needing it, the stool is watery and pale along with excessive gas. The stool can be frothy and may contain undigested food particles. Mucus may pass from the rectum. While passing stool, sharp pain is felt in the rectum. The frequency of stool increases at night. Before passing loose stool, pain is felt in the navel region. There is excessive weakness along with this. Along with the above symptoms, bloating in the abdomen is very prominent. Weight is felt in the stomach after eating little amount of food. There is burping of bitter taste and vomiting in some cases. The vomiting is sour and contains undigested food.
3. Silicea – For Foul Smelling Loose Stool With Undigested Food Particles
Silicea is indicated for weight loss from diarrhea when there is loose stool with undigested food particles and very intense foul smell. Cutting or pinching pain in the abdomen is felt along with this. There is marked exhaustion with diarrhea. Heat sensation is felt in the abdomen along with excessive rumbling. There is nausea after passing stool. There may be long-term diarrhea with ulcers in intestine where this medicine is required.
4. Lycopodium – For Diarrhea With Bloated Abdomen
Lycopodium is a beneficial medicine for diarrhea along with bloated abdomen. The stool is watery and yellow with undigested food particles. Thin stool may pass with hard lumps. Excessive fetid smelling gas passes along with the stool. There is much rumbling and croaking in the abdomen from gas accumulation. Abdomen pain may occur from gas. There may be cutting or tearing pain in the abdomen. Sour vomiting may occur in some cases along with diarrhea and gas in abdomen.
5. Podophyllum – When Stool Is Loose, Profuse And Gushing
This medicine works well for diarrhea with weight loss when stool is profuse and gushing, which means it passes suddenly with great force. Stoll may contain mucus or undigested food particles and has a foul smell. Anal pain occurs after passing stool. Diarrhea is mainly present in the morning and forenoon but normal stool passes in the evening.
6. Natrum Mur – For Managing Diarrhea, Vomiting With Weight Loss
This medicine helps manage diarrhea and vomiting with weight loss. Those needing it look very thin. The thinness is mostly marked on the neck. They have loose stool that can be brownish, greenish, and may contain blood too. Stool passes along with excessive foul-smelling gas. Mostly, stool passes in the daytime. There is abdominal pain attended with nausea. Pain gets better after passing gas. At times, the stool passes involuntarily.
7. Ferrum Met – For Diarrhea With Weight Loss And Great Weakness
Ferrum Met is another helpful medicine for managing diarrhea with weight loss and great weakness. In cases needing it, stool is watery along with gas expulsion. The urge to pass stool appears after taking food. The abdomen is hard and distended. Burning at the anus occurs along with loose stool. There may be vomiting soon after eating. There is a decrease in appetite along with the above complaints.