Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Runny Nose And Sneezing

Runny nose/rhinorrhea refers to fluid discharge from the nose. Runny nose can be attended with sneezing in many cases. This may occur due to various reasons among which allergic rhinitis and cold are most important. Depending on the cause behind runny nose and sneezing, some other symptoms may also attend like stuffy nose, cough, itchy, watery, red eyes, post nasal discharge or PND which refers to dripping of discharge from the back of the nose into the throat, headache, tiredness, and fever.

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to manage cases of runny nose with sneezing. Homeopathic medicines work on correcting the underlying cause behind it to bring wonderful results. These are natural remedies that treat this condition with zero side effects. Along with runny nose and sneezing, they also help to manage any associated symptoms like itching in the nose, itchy and watery red eyes, reduced sense of smell, headache, post nasal discharge and cough. In mainstream medicine, generally anti-allergic medicines, antibiotics, nasal sprays are recommended for such cases as per the case presentation. These are temporarily helpful and may have some side effects as well. But homeopathy is free from side effects and offers long-term results in these cases.

Homeopathic medicines promise great results in cases of runny nose and sneezing. These help in complete recovery and cure in most of the cases of mild to moderate intensity. This is due to the fact that they address  the root cause behind it. These can effectively help in cases of allergic rhinitis, cold, non-allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. It is advised to follow a complete course of homeopathic treatment for a recommended time period as per guidelines of a homeopathic doctor to get best results.

Homeopathic medicines to treat cases of runny nose and sneezing are of natural origin. These medicines treat such cases naturally by boosting the natural healing mechanism in the body. This will help to fight with the associated cause naturally and overcome it in a safe manner with zero side effects.

Homeopathic medicines for treating cases of runny nose and sneezing are selected based on the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self–medication in any case. In severe cases, in cases attended with high fever and when this complaint arises from serious causes like COVID-19, it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations to help such cases.



Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Runny Nose And Sneezing

The topmost homeopathic medicines to treat runny nose and sneezing are Natrum Mur, Arsenic Album, Allium Cepa, Sabadilla, Aconite, Gelsemium, Arsenic Iodatum and Euphrasia.

1. Natrum Mur – Top Recommended Medicine

Natrum Mur is the topmost homeopathic medicine for managing cases of runny nose and sneezing. In some cases needing it, there may be alteration between runny nose and nasal blockage. The sneezing episodes get worse in the morning on rising from bed along with watery discharge from the nose. There is irritation in the nose and watery discharge from the eyes. Headache can attend it in some cases. There may be loss of smell and taste along with the above complaints. There may be cough from a tickling sensation in the throat pit. It is a magnificent medicine to treat cases of allergic rhinitis.

When to use Natrum Mur?

Natrum Mur is the best choice of homeopathic medicine to manage runny nose and sneezing, especially the one that gets worse in the morning when one wakes up and it is the most prominent medicine to treat allergic rhinitis.

How to use Natrum Mur?

This medicine gives excellent results in 6X power. Natrum Mur 6X can be taken three to four times a day as per symptom intensity.

2. Arsenic Album – For Runny Nose And Sneezing With Burning In Nose

Arsenic Album is the other prominently indicated medicine to help cases of sneezing and runny nose. In cases needing this medicine, the discharge causes burning sensation in the nose. The nasal discharge causes irritation on the upper lip. There is itching in the nose. The nasal complaints get worse in open air. There is relief in complaints by staying indoors. The nose feels blocked with fluent nasal discharge. Weakness may be felt along with the above complaints. Besides, there may be hoarseness of voice.

When to use Arsenic Album?

This medicine should be considered to manage sneezing and runny nose with burning sensation in nose worse outdoors and better indoors.

How to use Arsenic Album?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency once a day.

3. Allium Cepa – For Runny Nose, Sneezing And Eye Watering

This medicine is of great help in managing cases of runny nose, sneezing along with watery discharge from the eyes. Burning sensation is felt due to the nasal discharge in the nostrils and upper lip. Headache can attend runny nose.  A lump sensation is felt at the root of the nose. The nose feels blocked. There may be hoarseness of voice and coughing. Along with the above, itching is felt in the eyes. Burning sensation in the eyes with an urge to rub the eyes can also be felt. The eyes become red.

When to use Allium Cepa?

This medicine should be preferred to manage runny nose and sneezing along with itchy, watery eyes.

How to use Allium Cepa?

Though it can be used in both low and high power, it is more frequently used in 30 C power that can be repeated twice or thrice a day.


4. Sabadilla – For Runny Nose Sneezing And Forehead Pain

Sabadilla is a well-indicated medicine for cases of runny nose, sneezing attended with pain in the forehead. Runny nose gets worse from the smell of strong odors. There is nasal stuffiness of one or the other nostril. Itching or tickling occurs in the nostrils with an urge to rub the nose. The nose feels stuffed. Sneezing is quite intense. Sneezing is followed by watering in the eyes. Eyes become red.

When to use Sabadilla?

Use of Sabadilla is suggested to treat runny nose, sneezing attended with pain in the forehead especially when runny nose is worse from strong odors.

How to use Sabadilla?

Sabadilla 30C can be taken one to two times a day.

5. Aconite – For Runny Nose, Sneezing From Sudden Exposure To Cold Air

Aconite is a leading medicine for managing runny nose and sneezing that occurs from sudden exposure to cold air. There is discharge of hot water from the nose. The nose is red and swollen. Pain is felt at the root of the nose. Runny nose is accompanied by headache. Sensitivity to smell is present along with above complaints.

When to use Aconite?

It is a wonderful choice of medicine for treating runny nose and sneezing resulting from sudden cold air exposure.

How to use Aconite?

This medicine is available in different potencies from low to high, however initially it is advised to take 30C potency once or twice a day.

6. Gelsemium – For Runny Nose, Sneezing With Weakness

This medicine can be used when runny nose, sneezing is attended with weakness. Nasal discharge causes redness and soreness of the edges of nostrils. Sneezing is worse in the morning where this medicine is required. Tingling sensation is felt in the nose. Fullness is felt at the root of the nose. There may be dull headache and fever along with the above complaints.

When to use Gelsemium?

This medicine is recommended for managing sneezing, runny nose when accompanied with weakness.

How to use Gelsemium?

Gelsemium works well in 30C power that can be used one to two times a day.

7. Arsenic Iodatum – For Thin, Burning Watery Nasal Discharge With Sneezing

This medicine works well when there is dripping of thin, burning, watery discharge from the nose along with sneezing. The burning discharge causes redness of the upper lip. There is irritation in the nose that causes a constant urge to sneeze. Along with the above, post nasal discharge (dripping of fluid from the back of the nose into the throat) may be present sometimes.

When to use Arsenic Iodatum?

Arsenic Iodatum is of great help in managing thin watery nasal discharge that causes burning in the nostrils along with sneezing.

How to use Arsenic Iodatum?

Arsenic Iodatum 30C can be utilized once a day.

8. Euphrasia – For Runny Nose, Sneezing And Watery Red Eyes

Euphrasia is a highly valuable medicine for managing cases of runny nose, sneezing and watery, red eyes. Watering from the eyes causes marked burning in the eyes. A gritty sand-like sensation in the eyes can also be felt. Heat and sensitivity is also felt in the nose. Cough with expectoration may attend it in the morning. The nose may feel blocked at night.

When to use Euphrasia?

Use of Euphrasia is advised for managing runny nose, sneezing along with redness, watering and burning in eyes.

How to use Euphrasia?

In 30C potency, this medicine can be used two to three times a day. When using 200C potency, it should be taken just once a day.


The first and the most important reason behind it is allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis refers to a set of nasal symptoms and also some eye-related symptoms resulting from an over-reaction of the immune system to inhaled allergens like dust mites, pollen, moulds, pet dander, etc. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis include sneezing, runny nose, blocked nose, itchy, watery and red eyes. Secondly, runny nose and sneezing may also result from dry air exposure and pollution. Other causes include cold and flu. Common cold indicates a viral infection of the nose and the throat that occurs due to infection by rhinoviruses though other viruses like adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus may also be the cause. It causes thin nasal discharge initially (in later stages, the discharge tends to get thick and yellow or green), sneezing, stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, body aches and low grade fever. Flu is a respiratory infection caused by influenza virus. It results in runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. Other symptoms are stuffy nose, cough, headache, tiredness, fever and muscle aches. Another cause behind runny nose and sneezing can be non-allergic rhinitis (vasomotor rhinitis). In this condition, there is inflammation inside the nose and the symptoms are just like that of allergic rhinitis but here allergies are not the reason as in case of allergic rhinitis. Some of the known triggers behind non-allergic rhinitis are cold air, air pollution, spicy food, stress, use of certain medicines (for example aspirin, ibuprofen) and perfumes. Another cause can be sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses i.e. air-filled spaces in the skull). Besides the above, it may result from COVID–19 (an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus).


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