Not long ago I wrote a post about using up foods that I have on hand. In my efforts to not visit the grocery store as often this year, I’ve used up a lot already. I still have some items to use, in particular bits and pieces that I have noticed in the refrigerator, freezer and on the shelf that I need to finish.
I also keep saving more. I have the ends of cheeses in the freezer, fruits, greens, and some vegetables, all waiting for me to use in a meal. I have to admit, it’s actually kind of fun finding ways to use things up.
I don’t have enough of anything left to make complete meals anymore, but I have components of meals that I can find a use for. Buying only what I need to round out meals means I am spending less money on food right now, and less time in the grocery store. Win-win!
Freeing up a little money means I can continue stocking my (pantry) shelf. I have one shelf at the bottom of my food shelf, as well as the area under it, where I can stock some items to make sure they are always on hand.
I also have a plan to stock the other shelves as well once I have more items. This means I will be rotating food items and in the long run, I will be shopping to restock instead of shopping for that weeks’ food. Anyone else doing this? I am definitely interested in how you are doing this if you would like to share.
I don’t have an actual pantry. Just a food shelf that I am making do with the best I can. I live in a room and only have one corner of it to use as my “kitchen”. I plan to show a video of my space at some point, and how I have fixed it up, but that won’t happen until everything is how I want it.
Some of the ways I have used some bits and pieces over the last couple of weeks:
- I made pepperoni sandwiches a second time to use up more of the cream cheese, then put the rest of the cream cheese in the freezer to use in a one-pan meal later.
- I used most of what was left of the cashew milk powder to make milk for my pudding. It was so good!
- I used up mild cheddar and mozzarella in a one-pan meal, as well as tomato paste and corn.
- I used the last 1/2 stick of butter to make some garlic butter chicken, and this was also so good!
I am definitely not feeling deprived.
How about you? Do you save bits and pieces to save money and stretch your meals later on? We’d love to know how!
~ Shannon