[250 years
ago this past Saturday, Patrick Henry delivered his “Give me liberty or
give me death!” speech to the
Virginia Assembly. So this week I’ll AmericanStudy that and four other
patriotic speeches!]
On the
stunning critical patriotic speech that challenges us as much today as it did 172
years ago.
written many times, in this
space and elsewhere, about
the inspiring history of Elizabeth Freeman, Quock Walker, and their
Revolutionary-era peers. Freeman and Walker, and the abolitionist activists
with whom they worked, used the language and ideas of the Declaration of
Independence (along with the 1780 Massachusetts Constitution) in support of
their anti-slavery petitions and legal victories, and in so doing contributed
significantly to the abolition of slavery in Massachusetts. I’m hard-pressed to
think of a more inspiring application of our national ideals, or of a more
compelling example of my argument (made in this piece) that
black history is American history. Yet at the same time, it would be
disingenuous in the extreme for me to claim that Freeman and Walker’s cases
were representative ones, either in their era or at any time in the more than
two and a half centuries of American slavery; nor would I want to use Freeman
and Walker’s successful legal victories as evidence that the Declaration’s “All
men are created equal” sentiment did not in a slaveholding nation include
(indeed, embody) a central
strain of hypocrisy.
If I ever
need reminding of that foundational American hypocrisy, I can turn to one of
our most fiery texts: Frederick
Douglass’s 1852 speech “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” Douglass’s
speech is long and multi-layered, and I don’t want to reduce its
historical and social visions to any one moment; but I would argue that it
builds with particular power to this passage, one of the most trenchant in
American oration and writing: “Fellow-citizens, pardon me, allow me to ask, why
am I called upon to speak here today? What have I, or those I represent, to do
with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom
and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended
to us? And am I, therefore, called upon to bring our humble offering to the
national altar, and to confess the benefits and express devout gratitude for
the blessings resulting from your independence to us?” The subsequent second
half of the speech sustains that perspective and passion, impugning every
element of a nation still entirely defined by slavery and its effects. Despite
having begun his speech by noting his “quailing sensation,” his feeling of
appearing before the august gathering “shrinkingly,” Douglass thus builds
instead to one of the most full-throated, confident critiques of American
hypocrisy and failure ever articulated.
As an
avowed and thoroughgoing optimist, it’s far easier for me to grapple with
Freeman and Walker’s use of the Declaration and the 4th of July than
with Douglass’s—which, of course, makes it that much more important for me to
include Douglass in my purview, and which is why I wanted to begin this week’s
series on critical patriotism with Douglass’s speech. There’s a reason, after
all, why the most famous American enslaved person is undoubtedly Harriet Tubman—we like
our histories overtly inspiring, and if we’re going to remember slavery at all,
why not do so through the lens of someone who resisted it so successfully? Yet
while Tubman, like Freeman and Walker, is certainly worth remembering, the
overarching truth of slavery in America is captured far better by Douglass’s
speech and its forceful attention to our national hypocrisies and flaws. And
despite the ridiculous recent attacks on “too
negative” histories or the concept of “apologizing
for America,” there’s no way we can understand our nation or move forward
collectively without a fuller engagement with precisely the critically
patriotic lens provided by Douglass and his stunning speech.
Next SpeechStudying
PS. What
do you think? Speeches you’d highlight?