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Nāvigantis Explōrātiō | The Unfathomable Artist

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō” [10th ~2256hrs/ 11th ~0449hrs November 2024] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, abstract acrylic painting on 100% pure cotton triple-gesso primed canvas board, 10 in x 12 in (25.4cm x 30.5cm), 4000 x 3340 pixels.

Before you read the background commentary for “Nāvigantis Explōrātiō” at the feet of this article I wanted to give further insight into the piece beyond details already published.

The Statue of Liberty is to New York, USA as the Eiffel Tower is to Paris, France.

Perspective changes things.

Once I brought the Magenta, Monochrome, Turquoise, Dark Blue, Yellow and original Red together..

.. I began to see imagery for the Statue of Liberty!

Had you noticed this in “Nāvigantis Explōrātiō” yourself?

If not, neither did I until making the collage.

Unless I’m specifically making a portrait or wholescale unified piece I often focus on finite square inches of a canvas. Precisely where the brush or palette tool is being worked.

For me this artwork exemplifies my vivid exploration in textures and shapes.

From the original acrylic I then made five differing tones and produced a pleasing 3×2 Collage from these digital pieces.

Here is the collage in pop art Andy Warhol style:

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – 3×2 Collage” [Digital Artwork, 12th November 2024] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, Digital Artwork derived from abstract acrylic painting on 100% pure cotton triple-gesso primed canvas board, 10 in x 12 in (25.4cm x 30.5cm), 12000 x 6680 pixels.

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – 3×2 Collage” = AWESOME !

For beauty purposes let’s publish the individual digital colour/monochromatic works with my first thoughts describing each piece:

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – Magenta” [Digital Artwork, 12th November 2024] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 4000 x 3340 pixels.

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – Magenta” – Sensual, sensitive.

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – Monochrome” [Digital Artwork, 12th November 2024] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 4000 x 3340 pixels.

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – Monochrome” – Arctic, Antarctican cool.

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – Turquoise” [Digital Artwork, 12th November 2024] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 4000 x 3340 pixels.

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – Turquoise” – Turtles crawling to the sea.

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – Dark Blue” [Digital Artwork, 12th November 2024] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 4000 x 3340 pixels.

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – Dark Blue” – Power.

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – Yellow” [Digital Artwork, 12th November 2024] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 4000 x 3340 pixels.

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – Yellow” – Submarines and seals.

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – original Red” [Digital Artwork, 12th November 2024] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 4000 x 3340 pixels.

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – original Red” – Rockets ascending into space.

Quotation from social media published on 12th November 2024:

[ I made “Nāvigantis Explōrātiō” on the 10th November within about an hour just prior to 2256hrs. Then a quick finishing draft just prior to 0449hrs of 11th November – reason being I needed to overpaint the top left area of the canvas with the acrylic now being drier to do so.

I kept wondering afterwards why I shaped the abstract the way I did.

Anyway, later that day of the 11th November at 1809hrs (UK) I read an article online about NASA’s Voyager 2 including ‘an artist’s depiction’ of the flyby.

My painting appears somehow representative of this in an abstract style with Picasso canvas ideas to mind at the time. Of course, I had not yet seen this particular NASA imagery in the news article!

This is why I decided to title the artwork “Nāvigantis Explōrātiō” in honour of the coincidence.

What I had seen though is a photograph of a reusable space rocket in dazzling light with its umbilical structures whilst viewing social media sometime on the 10th.

The central area of the canvas is, in my opinion, a subconscious artistic symbolisation of the rocket, albeit in green. ]

Here is the wet paint photograph at 2256hrs on 10th November for you to enjoy textures:

“first draft wet paint – Nāvigantis Explōrātiō” [10th November 2024 at 2256hrs] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, abstract acrylic painting on 100% pure cotton triple-gesso primed canvas board, 10 in x 12 in (25.4cm x 30.5cm), 5000 x 4155 pixels.

Please note colour balancing might vary upon your screen due to differing light conditions and wet paint at the time of photography. You can note the textured Mars Black overpainting I introduced at the top-left by comparing this 2256hrs wet paint photograph with the finissimo piece at the top of this article.

Very much Picasso influenced working style to my painting.

My singular linear palette motions add to the visual excitement.

For fans of my art a bonus piece I love equal to the Turquoise version:

“Nāvigantis Explōrātiō – Lime Green” [Digital Artwork, 12th November 2024] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, 4000 x 3340 pixels.

With the central-‘original Red’-grass-green, now aptly named rocket columns at the lower-right of my 3×2 Collage, Lime Green wanted to join its compatriots as a separate Digital Artwork.

Hope you have enjoyed my plethora of artistic ideas, some conscious, some subconscious.



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