I thought I’d show you a few of my fav finds from the
past two days and wanted to let you know about our upcoming shows. The white school desk we got today. The owner had it for
41 years and she said it belonged to her teacher that had it for about
30 years. I sold one very similar a few months back and was really happy
to find this one. There’s my newly painted chair that I think goes
great with it.
Now this blue cabinet we found yesterday. I am in love with the this piece.
I’m told it too came out of an old school. I think it would make a great buffet.
Here’s another view it with a chair we found a few weeks back.
The swan we found today too and it’s made from a light weight material. The interesting thing about it is that it has a price tag on the bottom of it that reads $448.00. Makes me wonder what store would have carried it for that price. It does have great detailing to it and it’s really a pretty piece. Now the lights next to it came from an old church and when they light up you can see the crosses inside.
Really cool find and there are 4 of them.
I think I’m going to hang on to these items and take them to the Warrenton Tx Antique Show. We will be in a new location this year and I promise to share details about where we will be really soon. I want to show you where we’ll be so you can find us. The neat part of our new location is that my RV will sit right behind my space and allow me to cool off from the Texas heat.
But before we load up for Warrenton, we’ll be at Fredericksburg Trade Days the third weekend of this month. We are located in Barn 0 here. Yesterday we went and constructed new walls from 100 year old wood. I really liked how they turned out.
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Happy Junkin!!