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HomeAlternative Medicine2025 Numerology For The 9 Universal Year!

2025 Numerology For The 9 Universal Year!

2025 Numerology For The 9 Universal Year!
The Tao of Dana

universal year 9 numerology

2025 is like a portal into a whole new dimension. My astrologer has said that you won’t recognize your life– in a great way– by the end of 2025. And, my favorite numerologist, my sister Nicole Claudat, is here today to share an energy practice and more wisdom to make the most of the transformational themes of the Universal Year 9.  The last Universal Year 9 was in 2016, and thinking back, that was quite a massive year. I’m so excited for this journey ahead.

And, if you want to do a big energy clearing for your home — or for you– to kick off 2025 free of patterns and attachments that no longer serve you– you can reach out to Nicole on her website right HERE. She works with all of my clients, and the shifts that happen with her work are unparalleled.  She’s the best person I know to talk about releasing and letting go on every level, and I’ll let her take it from here:

This is a year of Release and Transformation

In numerology, each year holds a unique frequency and rhythm, shaping the collective energy and influencing the world around us. The Universal Year number is derived from adding together the digits of the year and reducing them to a single-digit number.  

To find the Universal Year number, we simply add the digits of the year together:

2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9

In 2025, we are stepping into a Universal Year 9, the last year in the numerological cycle (1-9) carving the way for new beginnings as the cycle will begin again at 1 in 2026.  This year encourages us to embrace the inevitable pattern of completion and renewal, reflection and release, spirituality and personal transformation.  

The Universal Year 9 energy brings closure and endings, providing the courage and clarity to break free from the grips of negative cycles.  You may find yourself letting go of people or stagnant relationships, possessions that bring about tough memories and create clutter, careers that are no longer fulfilling or patterns that have kept you locked in a bleak disposition.   Bear in mind too that your career may not need to be abandoned nor do your relationships always need to be ended, but this year’s energy brings the boldness, discernment and spirit to make tweaks and adjustments to the ways you have been operating.  If you aren’t finding something as fulfilling as it once was, it’s a perfect time to make some changes, set boundaries and express your needs. 

On the surface, the energy of the Universal Year 9 may seem to be about letting go and preparing for new beginnings, but this year’s frequency brings us back to our soul truth – our purest purpose – our soul’s desires.  The purging, extracting, releasing and refining returns us to a more harmonious state.  The dissonance is released and it is from this place that we resonate with what is highest for us.   This sets the stage for the ultimate transformation where our authenticity reaps the most prosperous outcomes. 

And, this is not selfish or completely self serving, for the more we love and honor ourselves, the more we revere and take care of our own well-being, the more we can serve and give without measure or keeping score.  This is the essence of the archetype of the 9 —  which is the Humanitarian.

During a Universal Year 9,  people may feel a heightened sense of empathy, a desire to make a difference, and a movement towards more altruism.  There is a sense of the  “I” merging with the “We”as we complete this collective cycle, veering us towards more compassion and service to humanity. 

On a global scale, we may see government systems and organizations under going significant breakdowns and transformations, with the finalizing of long awaited changes, the upgrading of outdated systems and societal shifts towards peaceful resolutions. 

If you’re ready to embrace this transformative year ahead, here are some suggestions to help you align with the energy of the Universal Year 9:

Releasing and Letting Go 

When we experience situations that create heightened, unpleasant, discordant emotions inside us, our first instinct may be to feel the emotions for a bit and then push the situation to the way side.  But, unexpressed, suppressed emotions can fester and grow inside the caravan of our subconscious mind,  coloring and skewing our perceptions of life and the people around us.  It lingers.  It proliferates.  Even though these emotions aren’t top of mind, we can still carry their weight, sometimes under the guise of  resentment, fear or anger against otherwise innocent people in our life.    

Emotions crave to be processed and released.  One of my teachers, Desiree Lanz, introduced me to a life-changing exercise that brought me tremendous release and relief and I feel it’s very fitting that I share it with you today.

You can do this exercise in a journal or speak it to yourself out loud or in your head – whatever feels best for you.  Also, please note that I have adjusted this exercise and made changes to suit what best fit my needs and I encourage you to personalize this for yourself too.  

1.What happened or what is happening right now?  

What did you experience that you feel is holding you back in life? What is the nature of that which you want to heal?   This could also apply to relationships with specific people in your life. 

2. Set the intention to transform the energy you are about to release. 

Words carry energy.  You may feel hesitant to express how you truly feel because you don’t want to speak negatively about another person – I feel this way too!  It is for this reason that before I begin my release I set the intention that no one is harmed by my words.  We are releasing how we perceive this person to be or how we believe a situation has harmed us.   The expression of our emotions is for transmutation of the energy.  It’s to help us eventually see things from a clearer vantage point. 

Before I begin I say: “God/Source (whatever you believe is our creator energy) this energy I am about to express, please transform this energy in a way that is satisfying for everyone involved.  I mean no harm.  I am only seeking to release this burden from myself.  For the purpose of healing, I need to express and be honest about the way I’m seeing it, but I wish no one hurt or blame.”

3. Release the Anger: Write down all the things about this situation that make you angry.

4. Release the Pain:  Express what you are sad about, or what is painful for you.

5. Release Fear:  Write about what you are fearful of regarding this situation or person.

6. Now rip up what you wrote.  As you do this you can ask for everything you wrote down to be transformed into light. 

7. Choose how you want to live and feel going forward in your life.

As a prompt, you can write:

Knowing that I am worthy , whole, complete and safe, I choose…” (whatever you want to invite into your life.)   Example:  I choose to live a life where I see love in everything around me.  I choose to feel freedom in my actions, thoughts and words.  Write this out for as long as you’d like.

8. Ask yourself – Why was I put in this situation? What was the lesson that I learned? Usually you can determine the lesson by the hardships it created and what you needed to cultivate within to overcome the obstacle.

9. Gratitude – Write down all the good things that came about because of this person or situation.  How has this helped you evolve and grow?  What strengths did you attain from going through this?  How have you changed for the better having gone through this?

10. Think of the last time you felt  1. joyful/ 2. peaceful /3. free

Now, for each one, write about or recall the situation, noting all the details and deeply feeling into the emotion. 


Forgiveness can be a cringe-inducing word because it’s heavily associated with excusing harmful behavior or forgetting what transpired.  But, this does not need to be the case.  Forgiveness is releasing the emotional hold that anger, guilt, or resentment has on you, liberating you from the past and helping you move forward with an open heart.  Ultimately this is about finding peace and letting go of the emotional weight that can get in the way of moving on with your life in a healthy way.  

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: 

Who do I need to forgive most in my life right now? Why?

How has holding onto resentment or anger affected me emotionally, mentally, or physically?

What lessons have I learned from this experience?

Are there any benefits or insights I’ve gained because of this situation?


Take some time to reflect on your past experiences and evaluate the lessons you’ve learned, including both your personal pitfalls and victories.  Self-reflection can be done with the spirit of self-love, not criticizing yourself, but openly and gently taking an honest look at where you can make changes for progress, alignment and evolution.  This guides you towards adjusting your actions and choices to stay true to what matters most to you.

Now can be a perfect time to check in with yourself:

What went well this year, and why?

What challenges did I face, and how did I handle them?

Am I living in alignment with my values? 

What do I want to prioritize this upcoming year, and how does this support what I want for my future?

Hydration and Rest:   

With all the shifting and releasing a Universal Year 9 brings, there will be a lot of energy running through the air.  Nurturing your body and mindfully attending to its needs will help you stay centered and focused.  

Water is a natural conductor of energy and supports the flow of energy throughout your body, helping to not only release energy, but maintain clear thinking and emotional and physical balance. Try carrying a reusable water bottle with you throughout your day.  If you find plain water boring, you can infuse your water with cucumber slices, fresh lemon, berries or whatever you find enticing.  

Prioritize relaxation and rest.  Rest allows your body and mind to repair and regenerate.  This can be of particular importance this year as there may be a lot of changes occurring and rest will give your body and mind the time and space needed to integrate the energy.  So, allow yourself to slow down when needed and give yourself permission to relax and rejuvenate. 

Embrace the energies of Universal Year 9 with openness and trust!  

Wishing you a year full love and joy! 




The post 2025 Numerology For The 9 Universal Year! appeared first on The Tao of Dana written by danaclaudat



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