Saturday, March 1, 2025
HomeAlternative MedicineAdapting to your student’s learning style — N. Brooke Lieb, Alexander Technique...

Adapting to your student’s learning style — N. Brooke Lieb, Alexander Technique & Crystal Healing

So here I am, with a student who has back pain and tension, and he can tell he feels better after the lesson, but he’s pushing to force a result. And he knows pushing is the problem, but he doesn’t quite believe “not pushing” will can get him the results he wants.

At his second lesson, he tells me “I can see if I stop tensing around my hips and buttocks, things ease up…. But I need you to give me exercises. Tell me what to do.”

I remain diplomatic and say “You show me the exercises you are doing and I will help you apply ideas from the Alexander Technique to those exercises.”

At his fourth lesson, he repeats his request: “Give me exercises, give me something to do.”

I say to myself “Thinking is doing something. Using less exertion to successfully accomplish what you are doing IS doing something. Paying attention and conserving effort IS doing something. It’s doing things, just differently. But this doesn’t satisfy his request: “Tell me what to DO.” But I don’t say this aloud.

I ask him “Remind me how old you are?”

After he answers, I say “Considering you have been doing things your way for over 60 years, without thinking about them the way I am teaching you, and you’ve had less than 5 hours of Alexander lessons to learn how to do things differently, I think you are making incredible progress. Take a moment and let that sink in.”

After a real pause, he says “That’s good, I need that kind of reinforcement.”

I know at our next lesson, he’s going to ask me to tell him what to do. So this week, I am going to compile active verbs so he has something he can do:

  • Conserve muscle effort

  • Slow down

  • Breathe

  • Unclench

If you know you’d benefit from slowing down, but you find yourself rushing ahead, come and see me. I can help you slow down.



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