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HomeBusinessInternet Business7 laws of getting the right customers.

7 laws of getting the right customers.

If you wonder what the perfect method is getting the targeted amount of clients to generate the desired amount of money then setting up goals for the future is the best method. 

But it is not depending on any marketing strategies or techniques. It is important but they are constantly changing targets. It is not depending on any  marketing game plan.

The essential question is what really matters when it comes to getting the right customers regardless of what tactics or strategies you use. You might or not speak and network or have a website or make use of the social media.

When you use these methods you need to keep in your head that you apply these laws or your marketing will fail.

These are the seven laws to attract the ideal clients to generate more profits.

I want to state that marketing a professional service business is not the same as marketing a product or a company.

When it comes to marketing a product or a company is the focus on branding and differentiation. 
If you are going to market a professional service business, you need to focus truly on communicating your value proposition.

Law 1: You must have gained previous skills and maintain skills to do what you do best.
You need to be an expert in what you do to stand out. If you got to do what you do best is to maintain the skill level and keep putting in work until you want to be where you want.

This is not by accident. If you learn to implement the other laws of marketing much better and perform above average then you got the chance to succeed.
To be good at what you do you need to work hard. Keep on learning and dedicate to succeed with your business and offering the best to your clients. Nothing else can come in the first place than business and clients.

Law 2: Do not make a boring impression:

If you might know the great advertising executive, David Ogilvy stated once “What I think to turn people into my advantage in marketing and advertising is that I can not bore someone to get into business with you.”

And what can make an interesrting impression and not being boring? Does this mean all the needed excitement, fancy graphics, razzle-dazzle or mind boggeling presentations?

This means completely focusing on the clients and communicating clearly about  what the value of the business service is. And what benefits they get when they work with you. That is a simple fact.

Law 3: Maintain a balance of  logic and of course emotion in your marketing communication.

This also regards to law 2 and is about how you get to communicate the value of what you got to offer to your customers. Throughout any communication method or every communication medium.

So, let me explain this: If you know how to maintain a sense of logic and balance emotion in your marketing work, then many people will get to know about your service and will be interested working with you.

Let’s be logical and write this sentence in the logical way. “If you act in the X way you will get Y.” Beware that the content is emotional because it gives the impression that it will give you something. Logical communication must be with emotion if not, it falls flat.

Law 4: Be clear to your ideal clients.

To say this in other words you need to get your self and your message out there. This might sound like a simple theory, but this can be a harsh part of marketing your self. 

When you have enough time, energy and money to invest in your marketing efforts. Then you can get the best out of this. Here below I will give you the most effective marketing strategies for professional service businesses. 

Writing ( This can be articles, ebooks, web content to even books). Networking (live and virtual) to build solid connections and relationships. Speaking (from keynotes to webinars). This way you can brand your self as an expert.

Law 5: You must have the skills to communicate like a human being.

This is a known issue. That nobody likes “being marketed to.”. This is also a known fact that people have a need and they like to solve their problem by speaking with a professional who sell them the product or service that satisfy their need.

Understanding begins with asking the prospects the right questions. What their needs, targets and challenges are? When you truly get to know what they need you can offer your service.

And when it the time to explain the benefits of your service, remember Law 2 and Law 3. Do not try to explain too much about what you do than the value you have to offer with your service when the clients work with you. 

Law 6: Be ready to tell a story

Story you have to tell should spread through. A good told story can add value to your service and the clients will understand this. Stories speak direct to the emotional mind and bypass the conceptual mind.
A good told story has three essential parts: 1. The true situation of the client, 2. What you undertook to help them out, 3. The benefits the clients got working with you. 

Do not be shy about building a reliable repertoire of good stories when you are speaking to prospects. Talk and show presentations and write articles.

Law 7: Make sure that you believe that you make a difference

I am for sure that money was not the only issue that you set up a business. Because you wanted to help people out you took the route to become a self-employed professional.

As you might know generating  more profits with a business can be challenging. Attracting clients who are willing to work and willing to pay you for your efforts takes consistent application of all these above mentioned laws.

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