My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Time taken to read –
Pages – 478
Publisher – Piatkus
Source – Review copy
Blurb from Goodreads
In this gripping finale of The Lair of the Wolven series, destiny and desire are at war in the Black Dagger Brotherhood World as a deadly male holds the key to Lydia Susi and Daniel Joseph’s future…
Lydia knows time is running out, Daniel’s terminal diagnosis has doomed her to grief, and she just wants to spend as much time as she can with him. When his doctor goes missing, however, their secret lab’s location is compromised and suddenly she is at war with an enemy she doesn’t understand.
As a former black ops soldier, Daniel is very familiar with the danger they’re in, and he’s determined to keep his beautiful wolven safe. This means he must turn to his former boss—and relying on a sympathy for anything is a worst-case scenario on a good day. But what choice does he have?
With Daniel’s sixth sense telling him there’s more to the kidnapping, he and Lydia must work with their allies to defend the underground facility. Little do they know that the sympathy has something even more valuable to offer them… but at what cost?
My Review
Guys I do enjoy the Blackdagger Brotherhood books and this is The Lair of the Wolven but we do have Blackdagger crossover. If you haven’t read the previous two books STOP READING HERE as it will be a spoiler (as is the above blurb). So Daniel is terminal, his doctor has been kidnapped, their enemy is brutal, almost unstoppable but finally something solid Lydia can go head to head with, a physical albeit not human enemy. Daniel isn’t the only one who is on a countdown, can the missing doctor save any of them?
I thought this book was a real slow burner and so much sorrow and sadness as Daniel becomes more frail, the disease gets more of a grip. The focus is quite heavy on that, Xhex and her brother are more featured in this one so I did find that interesting because she is such a great character.
I feel this book left us hanging with so many more questions than it answered AND some areas had more time (their issues with intimacy from a physical point of view and their passion) that I felt needed. Feel free to chin me but I so wanted more about Xhex her brother, the experimentation past of Xhex. Does her brother have his own book as maybe I have missed that and why I have so many questions.
Also the Wolven, ok we do get a bit of shapeshifting in this one but not as much as I would expect nor it adding a whole lot. I did like hearing from Lydia whilst she was in Wolf mode as even in movies/books we rarely get that side.
I felt this was almost a foundation building type book rather than a book three finale. Maybe once I have read all of the BlackDagger Brotherhood books stuff will become clearer. I liked this well enough I just find I have so so so many questions, 3/5.