My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Although this book had me gripped from the start with its intrigue, danger and horrible implications for Alex, I’m still very confused about the reason for the existence of the ‘compounds’ that also occurred in the previous books. Even though I have read E.K. Frances’ earlier novels in the series I still think there is some more explanation needed. The prologue chapters for The Outside do not provide enough information in my opinion. New readers here will end up asking themselves endlessly: But what? Why? When? And Who?
However, it is a thought-provoking tale and as you read more and more some explanations do emerge slowly. And some of the descriptions of the surroundings really captured my attention. For example there is a part about the river in a later chapter that begins, ‘the river snakes its way through, widening and narrowing as if uncertain how much water to drink.’ And to Alex it is as if it is alive!
There are men who patrol the compound and you wonder do they protect the teenagers or are they up to something far more sinister? Are there really creatures hidden in the depths of the dense forests? And what happens to the teenagers when they leave the compound – do they go to a new life or is there a darker fate awaiting them?
Alex, the main character, is determined not to investigate through fear about this. He wants to escape and find his missing friends because every year teenagers disappear from the compound. They are taken by men, and loaded onto a truck but what for? Alex and his friends have thoughtlessly enjoyed life, foraging for food, and going on adventures. But suddenly all of these things changed. He wants to know why of course.
When Alex gets out of the compound to look for his friends he finds himself hunted by men with dogs. There are beasts in the wild, which may eat him, and he is soon starving as well. Sometimes he is even fighting for his own life and the terror and fear within his mind and body is almost palpable as you read it.
This story is a page turner all the way through! Surprisingly the epilogue has a certain poignancy, but which keeps you wondering: So what happened next?
Overall, this is an exciting tale of fearful terror and survival. Alex is a great character who wants to find and save his friends and he is well written. Recommended.