The Most Unladylike Puzzle Book is publishing on the 26th of September, and to celebrate I’m going out on tour! Here’s where I’ll be …
BATH Festival, 28th September, 2pm. This is a talk with a signing afterwards.
CHELTENHAM Festival, 12th October, 2pm. This is a talk with a signing afterwards.
KILKENNY Bookville Festival, 14th October, 11am. This is an online event for schools – but other people can sign up too!
YORK Waterstones, 19th October, 1pm. This is a signing event.
LIVERPOOL Waterstones, 26th October, 12pm. This is a signing event.
NOTTINGHAM Waterstones, 27th October, 12pm. This is a talk with a signing afterwards.
DUBLIN Festival, 10th November, 10:00am. This is a talk with a signing afterwards.
LONDON Muswell Hill, Children’s Bookshop, 17th November, 12pm. This is a signing event.
If you already have copies of my books, you can absolutely bring them along to the signing – I’m always happy to sign books old and new.
If you have access requirements, especially around queuing, please speak to the stores/festivals directly. There are always things we can do to make the experience easier for you!
If a town or city in your region is not here, don’t worry! I try to visit different places each tour – I’ll be back out on the road next year. But it may be that you will need to travel a little to see me – I just can’t get to every town in the UK and Ireland, although I wish I could!
I’m very excited about the tour – it’s always so wonderful to be able to meet you and talk to you about my books! See you soon …