It’s been a while since I joined in with the #SixOnSaturday tag. Autumn and early winter have challenged me with events away from the blog, so now I look forward to a positive year in 2025.
I took a quick scout around the garden (admittedly this was on New Year’s Eve🍾) but it felt right as we release the old and welcome the new into our lives.
Firstly some Viburnum, a quiet plant and this is the best I’ve seen in in the last few years. Second should be a lovely ‘white’ Hellebore🙄 but as you can see, the topsoil that I thought was a good idea 🤔to sprinkle around the garden, has yet to be washed off. Still the plant is flowering well. Third one of this white trio are some Bellis Daisies. Their second year in the garden, although I can’t see any others around😏.
Next up, some Polyanthus, there really is a white theme to this post today! Luckily there are still some Marigolds flowering away here and there for picture five and lastly a Camomile Daisy🌼. A little bedraggled on the petals but the geometric yellow centre is still stunning.
New year jobs: I’m gathering unwanted top soil and farmyard manure for my soil improvement plans. I also have some new homemade raised beds to position and fill with autumn leaves and garden compost materials. A few of the Spring bulbs are poking up leaves and it will soon be time to get excited about all things to do with seeds!
Happy Gardening,
#SixOnSaturday is a weekly gardening themed meme for anyone who enjoys plants and flowers. Add your blog post url to the comments on host Jim’s post. Or If you would like to see more gardens from fellow Six On Saturday people from across the world, check out the links from meme host Jim and his blog here or follow the hashtag on Twitter /X,