Through a FOIA request to the Arizona Dept. of Gaming, I have confirmed the following kills at Arizona Downs thus far this year. (I previously filed a request for Turf that covered Jan-Apr.)
(For three of the horses below – Robin’s, Perrys, Separate – full necropsy reports were not in yet.)
Robin’s Legacy, May 26, Arizona T – “fetlock fracture”
Artistic Ministry, Jun 1, Arizona R – “A comminuted fracture of the P1, with 10 larger fragments and 10-20 smaller fragments of bone identified. The deep digital flexor and common digital extensor tendons are lacerated, and there is extensive soft tissue hemorrhage surrounding the fracture site. The cartilage of the lateral condyle of the distal cannon bone is also lacerated.”
Perrys Dinamite, Jun 17, Arizona T – “sudden death” (three years old)
Separate Issue, Jun 21, Arizona S – “colic” (two years old)
Memphis Doll, Jun 30, Arizona R…
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