It come with 4 learning plan, 2 for Pre-sales and 2 for Sales, both stage 1 and 2.
Let’s look at Pre-sales Stage 1 first; learner needs to complete 3 hr 30 min course and take part in 10 questions of Black Belt AI Fundamentals Quiz:
Q: What is the main difference between vector databases and traditional databases?
Support for real-time transactions
Specialization in storing and processing multidimensional data (correct answer)
Higher data-writing speed
Enhanced database query support
Q: Why is it important to monitor latency in AI systems?
Ensure quick and timely system responses (correct answer)
Recognize when the system needs to be rebooted
Reduce the amount of data for processing
Enhance security levels
Q: What does the concept of “responsible AI” include?
Transparency, explainability, and fairness in the use of AI (correct answer)
Alerting AI users about potential problems and violations caused by their commands
Creating backups of AI-generated content
Labeling erroneous decisions to prevent such errors in the future
Q: How do maturity models impact the integration of AI into Cisco products and services?
They provide basic quality assurance without considering the specifics of AI.
Maturity models help identify the stages of development and the necessary investments for effective AI integration. (correct answer)
They limit the use of AI by requiring lengthy approvals.
Maturity models are used only for staff training.
Q: What is the role of pilot projects in AI implementation?
Testing core functions
Assessing feasibility and effectiveness (correct answer)
Demonstrating capabilities simply
Collecting data for analysis
Q: What functions does Kubernetes perform in the context of deploying AI models?
Providing statistical data for analysis
Developing user interfaces
Direct training of AI models
Scaling management of container orchestration and applications (correct answer)
Q: What principle underlies expert systems operation?
True – False. Evaluates the truthfulness of data based on databases (wrong answer)
If – Then. Follows a set of predefined rules.
Do – While. Determines when to stop routine processes and requests expert assistance for finding solutions.
Analysis – Redirection. Analyzes the question and redirects it to the expert in the database who specializes in the relevant topic. (wrong answer)
Q: What are the principles of operation of GenAI?
Creating new content and data
Managing specific devices (wrong answer)
Optimizing processes without data (wrong answer)
Using it exclusively in medicine
Q: What commercial benefits does AI provide to companies?
Reduction in the number of employees and job positions
Increase in process efficiency and reduction in operational costs
Increase in technology expenses without an increase in profits (wrong answer)
Increase of opportunities for business scaling
Q: How can customers reduce risks when implementing AI?
Focusing on local regulatory requirements and ignoring norms of other regions to avoid instruction conflicts
Limiting the use of AI to the minimum possible
Developing and implementing a strict data management and AI usage policy (correct answer)
Avoiding the use of cloud technologies
Q: Which programming languages are used most often in AI development?
Python and Java for their flexibility and extensive libraries (correct answer)
C++ and Assembly for high performance
PHP and Ruby for web development
HTML and CSS for user interfaces
Q: What principle is essential when integrating AI into business processes?
Using the latest AI models exclusively
Tailoring AI to specific tasks (correct answer)
Replacing the workforce with AI systems
Limiting AI use to a single department
Q: What ethical challenges are associated with the development of AGI?
Creating autonomous military systems
Enhancing production efficiency
Managing impacts on employment and social justice (correct answer)
Improving user interfaces
Q: What is important for adopting AI in business?
Conducting a customer survey to confirm readiness to use AI solutions
Developing a phased infrastructure evolution
Creating an AI solution that integrates into current business processes (correct answer)
Creating an AI solution that can flexibly adapt to various tasks
Q: How can AI help companies manage their IT infrastructure?
AI provides basic support to IT staff without affecting infrastructure management.
AI reduces maintenance costs for accounting by optimizing usage
AI improves performance and ensures higher security (correct answer)
IT infrastructure helps manage AI, not the other way around
Q: Where did the evolution of AI begin?
With attempts to mimic human thinking (correct answer)
With attempts to merge several programs into one
As a byproduct of the development of neural networks
With attempts to create a better internet distribution controller
Q: What characterizes reinforcement learning?
Learning based on rewards and punishments
Using labeled data (wrong answer)
Analyzing unstructured data (wrong answer)
Used exclusively in games
Q: Why is data processing and labeling important in AI development?
Ensure the accuracy and relevance of training data (correct answer)
Reduce the volume of stored data
Accelerate network connections
Simplify the user interface
Q: How does AI impact innovation in business?
AI improves document management and archiving
AI optimizes business processes and enhances competitiveness. (correct answer)
AI eliminates the need for marketing and advertising.
AI reduces the role of the human factor in data analytics.
Q: What stages are involved in the process of training AI models?
Interface development, user surveying, and configuration based on response weightings
Server setup, testing various database query types, and selecting the optimal approach
Data preparation, model training, validation, and testing. (correct answer)
Application deployment, performance monitoring, creating alternatives, and specialist confirmation of the best choice.