TECO, “The Future Of Refrigeration,” has made its way to the United States. Designed and manufactured in Italy, these chillers are powerhouses with an emphasis on sustainability and quality. The flagship SeaChill line is now available in North America via distribution by Sicce and consumer sale by SaltwaterAquarium.com. They range from $1,099.99 to $1,679.99 and come with a full two-year warranty.
Build Quality + Features
These models have titanium coaxial heat exchangers, which help reduce noise and ensure efficiency. With the purchase of the TECOnnect WIFI Module, they’re also WiFi compatible, allowing easy control of the unit.
These chillers have a small form factor of 12.2″ x 12.2″ x 19.69″, making them easy to tuck out of the way. Each unit has a minimum set point of 41°F. Temperature is monitored and controlled with a digital thermostat in a closed-loop system capable of detecting temperature from 32-95°F with an accuracy of +/—1°F. The unit produces alarm sounds for any dire situations. It can display in °F or °C.
High Quality Refrigerant
Besides their high build quality, one of the best selling points of these units is their use of refrigerant R-290. Many competing models still utilize R-22 and R-134a. The quality of refrigerants is typically determined through several metrics, such as Global Warming Potential (GWP), Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP), atmospheric lifetime, charge requirement, and energy efficiency.
R-290 is one of the most environmentally friendly refrigerants on the market. The GWP is a measure of the amount of heat a gas traps in the atmosphere compared to CO2 over 1000 years. R-290’s score is 3 while the GWP of competing R-22 and R-143a are 1,810 and 4,800 years, respectively.
Regarding ODP, R-290 contains no chlorine and has an ODP of 0. R-143a also has a score of 0 but still has a very high GWP score, meaning it has negative environmental consequences. R-22 has a score of 0.055, which means it can destroy the ozone layer.
Additionally, R-290 is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon, meaning it doesn’t have to be synthesized, eliminating any emissions associated with the traditional production of other refrigerants. It also has a reduced charge requirement, making it more efficient than other systems. R-290 also has an atmospheric lifetime of less than a year, R-22 lasts over a decade at 12 years, and R-143a lasts 52 years.
Another reason the TECO line is so energy efficient is that R-290 has a higher heat of vaporization than competitors, meaning it absorbs more heat per kg than R-22 and R-143a, with a score of 426 kJ/kg vs. 233 kJ/kg of R-22 and 250 kJ/kg of R-143a. Overall, this can cut energy consumption by 30%—50%.
Cooling Performance
Below is a breakdown of each unit’s ability to pull down the temperature of a system in a room that’s 86°F
Market Options
SaltwaterAquarum.com currently offers six units, three of which are chillers only, while the other three are heater chiller combos. Below is a list of the units available with prices. These units are best paired with the Sicce Syncra line. Be sure to ground the unit and keep it in a place with good ventilation.
SeaChill TK500 1/6 HP (120 gallons) = $1,099.99
Seachill TK500 1/6 HP Heat + Chill (120 gallons) = $1,229.99
Seachill TK1000 1/4 HP (200 gallons) = $1,349.99
Seachill TK1000 1/4 HP Heat + Chill (200 gallons) = $1,499.99
Seachill TK2000 1/3 HP (500 gallons) = $1,549.99
Seachill TK2000 1/3 HP Heat + Chill (500 gallons) = $1,679.99
If you’re interested in purchasing these products do so here at SaltwaterAquarium.com