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HomeAnthropologyAll Tomorrow's Cultures: Futures at AAACASCA 2019

All Tomorrow’s Cultures: Futures at AAACASCA 2019

The American Anthropological Association/ Canadian Anthropological Society meeting in Vancouver is in November, but the browsable schedule is already out.  As in previous years, I have identified future-oriented or science fiction-oriented panels that I would love to attend (including two I’m on). This may not be a complete list, and I apologize for panels I’ve missed.  But even this, incomplete as it might be, is an impressive collection of a robust future-orientation in the work of anthropologists. 

November 21

AM – 9:45 AM
  –  Decolonial Belongings and Futures:
Creating Spaces of Belonging thru Epistemic Disobedience
– Vancouver
CC EAST, Room 7

PM – 3:45 PM
  –  Biofutures – Vancouver
CC WEST, Room 122

PM – 3:45 PM
  –  Haunting Toward the Future: Colonial
Durabilities and Temporalities
– Vancouver CC EAST, Room 13

PM – 3:45 PM
  –  Untaming futures? Plural knowledges,
unknown environments and technologies of anticipation (Part 1)

Vancouver CC WEST, Room 202

PM – 6:00 PM
  –  In an Atmosphere of Change:
Speculative Futures in Anthropological Perspective
– Vancouver CC
WEST, Room 118

PM – 6:00 PM
– Vancouver CC WEST, Room 205

PM – 6:00 PM
  –  Untaming futures? Plural knowledges,
unknown environments and technologies of anticipation (Part 2)

Vancouver CC WEST, Room 202

November 22

AM – 12:00 PM
  –  Utopia and Changing the Future:
Anthropology’s Role in Imagining Alternatives (Part 1)

Vancouver CC EAST, Room 11

PM – 3:45 PM
  –  The Climate of Governance and the
Governance of Climate: Negotiating the Futures of Natures & Cultures

– Vancouver CC EAST, Room 15

PM – 3:45 PM
  –  Utopia and Changing the Future:
Anthropology’s Role in Imagining Alternatives (Part 2)

Vancouver CC EAST, Room 11

PM – 6:00 PM
  –  Horizons of Possibility: Dynamic
Future Selves in a Changing and Contested World
– Vancouver CC
WEST, Room 115

November 23

AM – 9:45 AM
  –  Algorithmic Futures: Computing as a
Site and Object of Technopolitical Interventions
– Vancouver CC
WEST, Room 301

AM – 9:45 AM
  –  Forging Futures in Contested
– Vancouver CC WEST, Room 215

AM – 12:00 PM
  –  Forecasting Futures: Education as
Speculative Practice
– Vancouver CC WEST, Room 119

AM – 12:00 PM
  –  So many futures, so little time:
Anthropological approaches to catastrophe and the future

Vancouver CC EAST, Ballroom C

PM – 6:00 PM
  –  Ethnographies of Palestinian Futures
– Vancouver CC WEST, Room 204

November 24

AM – 12:00 PM
  –  Geological Anthropology: Waters,
Ruins, Futures (Part 2)
– Vancouver CC WEST, Room 101 & 102

The Meaning of the Future

Yet there is a great deal of polysemy implied in “the future,” and our orientation to future temporalities likewise varies (Bryant and Knight 2019).  I did some text analysis of the abstracts for these panels in order to look at the evolving terrain of future work [click on the graph for the full size]:


The graph uses “Infranodus,”a web-based, text analysis application that uses word co-occurence to construct a network.  Nodes are key terms, and the edges (or lines) between them show words (actually lemmas) separated by 1 word or words separated by two words (Paranyushkin 2019).

Additionally, the algorithm tries to identify “clusters” of terms–represented by different colored nodes and edges here.  But this seems of limited efficacy here, where there is considerable overlap in the nomenclature of the future.  Better, perhaps, is to focus on a few key terms, and the terms to which they’re linked.

“Environmental” [click on the map for a full image of the network]




These keywords, together with the connections they forge, ultimately tell a more nuanced story about anthropology’s emerging futures.  The lemma “world” might appear in texts as “worlding,” “world-building” etc., and might point, on the one hand, to the changes inextricably impacting our world today.  On the other hand, “world” also includes links to the prospect of different worlds, however defined, whether in “space” or “imagined.”  “Alternative” opens on to the imaginative element of anthropological futuring, and the ways this might gesture towards other possibilities less premised on capitalist exploitation.  This includes indigenous futures, and alternative narratives on the future from oppressed peoples.  On the other hand, “climate” brings us into the decidedly more pessimistic futures of the anthropocene, where “change,” “health” and “environment” make up the dreadful calculus of environmental catastrophe.

All together, the pessimism and the optimism of the present moment, one where we teeter on the brink of future disaster, while alternatives appear to us (as anthropologists) in multiple forms, from policy changes, to space travel, to worlds re-shaped by alternatives to Eurocentric capitalist exploitation.  The future work evolving in anthropology engages all of these levels simultaneously: 1) the future as a significant horizon in the lives of our interlocutors; 2) the future as an ethnographic object in its own right; 3) the future as a site for anthropological interventions.


Bryant, Rebecca and Daniel Knight (2019).  The Anthropology of the Future.  NY: Cambridge University Press.

Paranyushkin, Dmitry (2019).  “Infranodus.”  In Proceedings of WWW ’19: The Web Conference (WWW ’19), May 23, 2019, San Francissco, CA.  



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