A Work from Home Business in Internet Marketing is an admirable and potentially very lucrative venture. Doing it right the first time is difficult at best. There are so many areas to master, that information overload usually occurs before you even know where to start. The following Top 10 Tips, Tricks, and Cautions will help you avoid the Home Business pitfalls.
“Of the small businesses that fail, over 91% do so because of a lack of skills and knowledge on the part of the owner”… Dunn and Bradstreet
Your Work from Home Business idea can avoid being in that 91% by following the right advice, from the right people, right from the very beginning.
1. Don’t be an “opportunity seeker” avoid and resist all those “Make money on the Internet…blah, blah, blah” and “Work at home jobs” “MLM” and thousands more scams and gimmicks. Many are professionally written sales pages, and “sound” irresistible, only out to get your money. RESIST AND IGNORE.
Follow only quality proven advice from proven, professional Mentoring Programs. Do a lot of research before you jump in and start building a website. Find out if there is even enough interest/traffic to justify promoting your selected Niche. 3,000+ searches per month minimum to be profitable. If not, find another Niche.
2. Select a keyword-rich 3-4 word domain name before you title/name your site, not the other way around. Match your title to your domain name and high count keywords. Use a quality hosting company, not just the cheapest.
3. Build a detailed step by step, yet simple, Business Plan that will work for you and your niche, then follow it! Basic Plans are available for free, that you can modify to suit your own personal Business Plan.
5. You Don’t Need a Lot of Software, a few carefully selected, necessary software tools is all you will initially need. Site design, Keyword Software, Article Submission Software, Directory Software, Auto-Responder Software, is enough to get you off to a flying start.
6. Once your site is up and functioning, DON’T submits it to the Search Engines. This can take weeks to months to get your site crawled and indexed. Instead, submit your site to Site Directories as many as you can use a directory submitter. This will get you the Oh so valuable high PR one-way links to your site. Then…..
Now, submit your article(s) to Article Directories, they are free, using a good Article Submitter. Do not add a page to your site with your articles. The Article Directories have a higher PR than your new site and are crawled several times daily. They will publish your article to other authors and allow “reprint rights” for other sites. Google will pick up the link to your site from the resource box, crawl and index your site in hours or days, not weeks! Plus, you get the directories high PR rank as a one-way link into your site.
On a personal note:
I have 4 articles I wrote 6 years ago that are still generating traffic in the Top 10 on the first page of Google! This a powerful long term, long-lasting trick!
There are a few dozen enormously successful Internet Marketers, Mentors, or Business Coaches, Gurus that have Mentoring Programs that will show you how they became successful, and show you to become a Guru in your selected Niche and become massively wealthy. If you have the motivation, desire, and willingness to follow their advice.
9. Marketing your site/business idea. This goes hand in hand with #9, your chosen Mentor. They have been there done that, and prove it, they know what works. They know how to market and make massive money in Internet Marketing. Selling products, affiliate marketing, creating products, launches, all the tricks of what works and what doesn’t.
10. Learn from them, they have already made the mistakes that most Newbies make. Follow the advice of the most brilliant minds in Internet Marketing! Do what they Do. There are mentoring programs available for all areas of Internet Marketing any niche, just find the ones that suit your plan.
Imagine your great feeling of satisfaction when you attain your goals, soon after following these simple Top10 Tips, Tricks, Cautions! The road to Internet Marketing isn’t a Freeway, it’s a Toll Road, but massive wealth is within your reach. A Work from Home Business in Internet Marketing is everything it’s cracked up to be.