One of the features that attract executive teams to a cloud-based ERP solution is the automatic updates that happen throughout the year. It eliminates expensive upgrades, teams working with outdated technology, and countless manual hours. Sage Intacct delivers four upgrades a year keeping its customers at the peak of technology, and ahead of their competitors.
Release three for 2020 includes streamlining cash management, automating allocations across entities, and accelerating budgeting and planning. Take a deeper look at each update below.
Streamlining Cash Management
In release 3, Sage Intacct has made enhancements to how they handle credit card transactions. When generating and matching credit card transactions within the solution, your finance team will save hours and increase accuracy when reconciling and recording transactions. When creating missing transactions, you can create the matching credit card transaction/journal entry directly from the transactions and automatically populated details. This unified experience gives you valuable daily insight into your cash and saves time closing the books.
Automating Allocations Across Entities
In this release, Sage Intacct has enhanced Dynamic Allocations to support the allocation of costs, revenue, assets, and liability amounts across entities, including entities with different base currencies. By fully automating your cross-entity allocations you will save a significant amount of time. You will also reduce errors, eliminate manual processing time, and increase transparency with the centralization of the creation, management, and audit trail for cross-entity allocations. You can easily control this with a click of a button. All transactions will automatically be converted into the base currency for each entity. This update continues building upon Sage Intacct’s industry-leading multi-entity functionality.
Accelerating Budgeting and Planning
Sage Intacct had three updates for their budgeting and planning which are:
1)Drag and Drop up to Four Dimensions- You can easily now drag and drop up to four dimensions and subdimensions when setting up your budget structure.
2)Import Actuals from All Sage Intacct Reporting Books- With this update, you can now select all available books, in addition to your default book, from the budget wizard for the import process. This will increase the data you can use to seed budgets and forecasts.
3) Import model lines from Microsoft Excel- The new model line import wizard walks you through the process and saves time by eliminating the need to rekey models from Excel. From there you can add, edit, or remove without breaking your model.
If you have any questions regarding the upgrade’s new feature, please reach out to our team in the below form.