This week’s episode, number 3 of Season 14 proves that Seb is a quick learner. The previous week found Seb as the new PO on the block and he was found somewhat wanting by his new colleagues. Now, it seems, he has made up for those disgruntled reactions.
Pineapple Boy is no longer his callsign. DI Wilson stops calling Seb the embarrassing nickname. Even Commissioner Patterson is pleased with Seb and his new training officer Darlene.
Death in Paradise Episode 3
Susie Montagu is the owner of a skin care company. One that has just dropped a new product. The secret ingredient involves an unusual property, it can be deadly if not measured properly.
The owner drops dead of apparent anaphylactic shock at the launch party. The list of suspects grows exponentially once certain items are uncovered. We now see Wilson and Thompson working as a cohesive team, Seb learning more about being a cop and Honore traditions becoming a thing once again.
This intimate team of police officers also learn of the upcoming departure of Commissioner Patterson. A victim of cost effective downsizing. Everyone is devastated.
The Cast
Don Gilet is DI Mervin Wilson.
Don Warrington is Commissioner Selwyn Patterson.
Elizabeth Bourgine is Catherine Bordey.
Shantol Jackson is DSI Naomi Thomas.
Ginny Holder is Officer Darlene Curtis.
Shaquille Ali-Yebuah is Officer Sebastian “Seb” Rose.
Guest Starring
Georgia Maguire is Susie Montagu.
Patricia Allison is Carrie Standish.
David Mumeni is Steve Montagu.
Imogen King is Daisy McCrae.
Judith Jacob is Dorna Bray.
The Mystery(s)
Susie, the Rebecca of Donnybrook Farm, owner of “Healing Skin” is launching their new product, Prelure. A skin softening cream that will net the company a huge profit. At the celebratory launch, Susie drops dead before she can even taste her bubbly.
Carrie and Daisy attend and thinking it is a result of her nut allergy, give a dose of the epi-pen. It does not, somewhat predictably, work. Susie dies and the Honore team get a call.
Mervin learns his search warrant is good to go. He can now enter his late mum’s cottage. Commissioner Patterson drops by to remind him that DS Thompson is to investigate the premises with him.
Soon, the Honore Police Department will have two mysteries to solve. One with more than a few suspects and one with only one.
Pineapple Boy becomes Seb
Seb sheds his Pineapple Boy sobriquet pretty quickly. It is ironic that this happens after the Commissioner overhears Darlene complaining to Catherine. He tears a strip off his training officer only to offer an apology later on.
In episode 3 of Death in Paradise; season 14, Seb manages, in a very short time, to lose the shackles of immaturity that were holding him back. It is Seb who finds most of the evidence that allows Merin and his team to finally arrest the real killer.
DI Mervin Wilson
Darlene is having to remind her new boss that “Please” is not a missing word a lot less. He is, overall, treating his underlings better and with more respect. He explains his “crusty” demeanor to DS Thomas and they bond a little during his mum’s suicide/accident/murder case.
By the end of episode 3, all the “gang” includes Seb and Merwin at a celebration at Catherine’s bar. To be fair, they did tell the DI that the bar would have “footie” on. He indulges the little lie and is there when the Commissioner drops his bombshell.
the verdict
Season 14, Episode 3 brings Seb to the forefront and allows him to shine. It also allows the new Detective Inspector to shine in his own light. We have a better understanding of his methods and we appreciate his taking on of “old” traditions that do not come naturally to him.
Death in Paradise earns, for this episode alone, a full 5 stars. *Never mind that this murder feels a little like a crib from an old Columbo episode and a My Life is Murder.*
It still rocked this week for all that.
the trailer
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