Death in Paradise S14 Eps 4: A Spoon Full of Methanol

This week, in Death in Paradise; episode 4 of season 14 shows that a spoon, or syringe, full of methanol makes the poison go down. Although in this case it is a soft drink, aka tin of sugary fizzy, that hides the taste and delivers the fatal dose.

Before we go into the obvious borrowing of this episode, let us speak of Seb. That quick learner who actually solves the case with the aid of his “going overboard” attitude. As he tells Darlene, he will be the PO who does everything.

Now, let’s talk borrowing. As mentioned in the trivia section of the IMDb page: “The plot of this episode is almost identical to the murder Mervin committed as Andre Morgan in Stab in the Dark (2015). The owner of a rum distillery is murdered to stop him selling the business, because a murder victim, believed to have run away, is actually buried inside.”


Methanol may not have been the culprit, or device, in that particular Death in Paradise but…

The story

A rum distillery is being sold off. At the celebratory signing, everyone gets a dose of methanol and only one of them dies. The owner of the distillery. On the comedic side of things, Mervin gets air con and a satellite dish. Much to the consternation of DSI Thompson and the locals.

Meanwhile, back at the station, Seb declares that he is turning over a new leaf and becoming the police officer that everyone will want on any case.

The cast

Don Gilet is DI Mervin Wilson.

Don Warrington is Commissioner Selwyn Patterson.

Elizabeth Bourgine is Catherine Bordey.

Shantol Jackson is DSI Naomi Thomas.

Ginny Holder is Officer Darlene Curtis.

Shaquille Ali-Yebuah is Officer Sebastian “Seb” Rose.

Guest starring

Ansu Kabia is Patrick Ambrose.

Madeline Appiah is Cora Ambrose.

Tienne Simon is Antony Dulice.

Siobhan Redmond is Francesca Bower.

Michelle Asante is Janelle Dulice.

The mystery

The team have to work out how the methanol only made some ill but killed Patrick. Once again, Seb helps here with his mention of the ice. Another mystery is uncovered and the team then have to redirect their way of thinking.

It all just about works

Initially the methanol angle works quite well. However, as another contributor points out, methanol is not created at a distillery by the process of distilling. It is an outside component added to aid the creation of the liquor.

Despite this setback, and the wholesale borrowing of a different seasons mystery, it is still clever. This leaping back to borrow not only a character type, Mervin is a dead ringer personality wise to Richard, but also a plot is not clever.

Still, these issues aside, the new DI is doing as his underling DSI Thompson suggests. He is slowing down and smelling the roses and imbibing his late mum’s lifestyle.

The Verdict

Death in Paradise this week was also a win for Seb. He will never be Pineapple Boy again. We also feel that DI Wilson will never disrespect the junior police officer on the team as well. The show is wavering though in terms of originality. Running for 14 seasons will do that. However, they are still sitting pretty at 4.5 stars.

Death in Paradise streams a new episode on Britbox each Wednesday. Come check it out.

the trailer

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Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Retired LEO,
Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

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