2 greats in our NEW Tuesday night Inroom class

Sharing the 8 week term, two stellar working actors will take SAC actors through their paces. As current working actors, Arka and Rohan know the business and are in the lions den with you. This class will delve into scene work in all it’s forms with the promise that each actor will get up and act in each class.
Arka will take you more though the art of taking direction and how to incorporate notes into your already built work. To stay out of your head and take the notes as inspiration and build upon it. Sometimes direction can make an actor feel like they have to do something, where Arka will help you not be owned by the note, but rather use it to discover the character.
Check out Arka’s interview on his new ABC show
Rohan will take you through organic development of a scene. So you don’t feel like you’re in an audition building a model plane! Acting is about instincts and craetion. Actors can feel like a slave to a scene trying to get it right. Rohan will take actors through fluid acting, and how to discover moments and true freedom in acting
SAC classes are always non beginner and free of competition. Our workshops foster freedom, encourage failure and celebrate pushing the boundaries of your own skill and knowledge. But most importantly to HAVE FUN!!!

8 week term beginning Tuesday 16th July
7pm to 10pm
Darlinghurst Sydney
please email [email protected] to get more info, speak to one of our coaches or to book a spot.
Given this is a non beginner workshop, SAC may ask for your material to gauge skill level.
SAC actors work and know how to work. Check out our working actors page.
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