The 2024 horror film The Front Room is, as the film’s “villain” says, a big old M E double S (mess). Not just of the fecal variety either. It relies on perhaps the most annoying of tropes to tell its story.
Read on.
The Story
Norman and Belinda are a new couple having their first baby. Enter Norman’s newly widowed stepmother Solange. A controlling religious zealot who begins to take over their lives. Solange ultimately turns their very existence into a living hell. All while living in the front room of their house.
The main Cast
Brandy Norwood is Belinda.
Andrew Burnap is Norman.
Kathryn Hunter is Solange.
Houston we have a problem
Several problems in fact. Even before the fecal revenge episodes take place there is a lot wrong with The Front Room:
- Disney has, since the mid 1900’s made a fortune with tales about wicked stepmothers/fathers. Granted, these all came from various fairy tales, but old Uncle Walt’s movies made them even more well known than their literary authors. This type of story has been worn ragged.
- Trope city here. The overused hollywood portrayal of Christians being: a) evil, b) mentally deranged, and/or c) possessed has reached a pinnacle here. In The Front Room Solange is all three. Although, thankfully, the filmmakers opted not to specify what church the horrid woman belongs to.
- Norman Gene? Every single time we hear his name, the image of Marilyn Monroe comes rushing to the forefront. Although it does raise the question of whether Norman’s parents really wanted a girl, or were just huge Norma Jean fans. It does bring madness into the equation.
Poo and not the bear
The Front Room does manage to delight in having the evil stepmother soil herself repeatedly. This act of revenge against the young couple who let her live with them is pretty disgusting. In real life? It is not unusual for older folks who have dementia to do this. It is revenge? Not likely. Those people suffering from this mentally debilitating disease do not willing participate in “poo attacks.”
Behind the camera
Max Eggers and Sam Eggers direct this one. They also share writing credit with Susan Hill. Max, who wrote the superlative The Lighthouse (2019) may have just stumbled here. We won’t hold this against him but hopefully he, and Sam, can find their way back from the abyss.
It’s all about the acting
Norwood and Burnap both shine here. This is somewhat remarkable as The Front Room is a stinker. (Pun intended.) Hunter overacts her little cotton socks off here to an annoying extent. The saccharine sweet delivery of her lines sets one’s teeth on edge.
Still, the cast do the best they can with this asinine storyline. We do sympathise with the young couple who have literally had this poop fest dropped in their lap.
The Verdict
The Front Room earns a paltry 2 stars here. The decision to make the “villain” and older woman another nutty Christian, who is definitely evil, lost a full 3 stars. A24 really screws the pooch with this one. If you feel that you really must see this one, the film is streaming on Max at the moment.
the trailer
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