Thirst Trap (2025): Sex or Something Like It

The 2025 film Thirst Trap is interesting, it features a lot of insinuated sex, or something like it. The film gives us a glance at internet fame and all that alludes to. Predators, it seems, are not just a part of Hollywood. However, anyone knowing anything about the influencer train can tell of numerous YouTube stars who have fallen from grace.

the story

Four actors, in varying stages of their “non” careers are struggling to move forward. Roger, a once familiar face on the screen has issues dealing with now being a has-been. Bailee taps Roger for surgery to keep her career going. Mickey and Robby both want to have a career.

At any cost.

Behind the camera

Bob Freville produces, writes and directs Thirst Trap. Freville states that he filmed the entire film on an iPhone 13 Pro: “Over the sweltering summer of 2024.” The budget is an estimated 10K. Making movies with cell phones has been around for awhile now. *New Love Meetings, a documentary made way back in 2005, was filmed on a Nokia.* Still, Freville manages to impress with his lo/no budget film.

G.G. Paul is the editor and while the film seems to flow, there are a few moments that jar. The abrupt jump to black takes us out, at times, of the spotty symmetry that moves the story along.

the main cast

Frank Badolato is Mickey.

Ron Yoo is Robby.

Jacqueline Sophia London is Bailee.

Frank McGovern is Roger Rock.

Nic Andrews is Mason.

Kudos to

Alyssa Cassese as Sapphire.

Jack Wheeler as Theo.

Sergio Lockhart as Ace.

It kind of works

There are many things that make Thirst Trap work. The one thing that does not is the inclusion of sex inuenndo in almost every scene. Mason, the predatory social media influencer is meant to be disgusting and he is.

The scene with Bailee, out like a light prior to surgery, turns out to be quite funny. Dialogue leading up to the punch line is disturbing at face value. But Freville pulls off a great little gag here. *Much to my relief.*

Some of the actors are a little lost here. Also lost is the sound of their voices. Being shot on an iPhone is daring and a great alternative to more expensive equipment. Although the loss of a boom mike hurts. As does the loss of body microphones.

This is not too unlike the 2016 film Viral Beauty. That film was basically about social media and its tendency to make instant stars out of users. Both these tales warn of chasing fame in their own way.

Not a fan

I am not a fan of overtly sexual material. Although Freville manages to keep things just this side of tasteless in Thirst Trap. It is a difficult watch. The ending does indeed border on tasteless. Although the desk decoration, shaped annoyingly like a phallus, is at last put to good use.

The Verdict

Thirst Trap is not my cup of tea. Having said that, however, it still ranks quite high in the old star chart. I can give the film an easy 3 stars. Freville has vision. He manages, with the aid of an iPhone and a small budget to weave a tale between 4 disparate characters in an entertaining fashion.

the trailer

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Author: Michael Knox-Smith

Former Actor, Writer, Former Journalist, USAF Veteran, Retired LEO,
Former Member Nevada Film Critics Society (As Michael Smith)

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