Want to make your own project? Now is the time – Acting Babe

Do you want to make your own project….but always find yourself umm’ing and ahh’ing and not getting anything done.

I’m so so so excited about this!

My buddy Emily Grace is about to host the most magical dreamy summit ever. If you aren’t on my mailing list, then please sign up so you can get all the news of free courses, events, resources and more. And if you did miss my email about Emily’s Make Sh*t Happen Summit, then just send me an email and I’ll ping over to you when I’m going to be chatting about Networking.

Meanwhile, I’m back on Backstage this month sharing my thoughts on this very topic – 8 Tips for Working on Your Production From Home.

I honestly believe that if at any point we feel stuck, we must take our industry success in our own hands and make it happen. And even in a lockdown (well especially in a lockdown), you can do this yourself. That is why I’ve written this article. To explain 8 things you can do right now from home to push your production forward.

Just remember, you don’t have to do everything all at once. When we commit to just one thing per day or per week, magic happens. And when we do the most important bit first, we make real headway towards our dreams. And to echo that sentiment, I highly recommend getting familiar with James Clear and his magical blog (and his new book which is incredible). In this particular article, he gives a great description of why doing the most important task first, works. This full article is such a great read.

We often assume that productivity means getting more things done each day. Wrong. Productivity is getting important things done consistently. And no matter what you are working on, there are only a few things that are truly important.

         ~ James Clear

If you’ve been thinking about doing your own project or picking up an old one, I highly encourage you to get onto it today – pandemic or no pandemic.

Read on over at Backstage to find out how…..8 Tips for Working on Your Production From Home.

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