“I live in Cameron, Louisiana and I’m here to stop LNG. It has totally destroyed our community. Born and raised there. Memories are all gone. All you see is a plant when you open the door. It’s not a place I want to be anymore.” – Lerlene Rodrigue, multigenerational fisherwoman of Cameron
Cameron, Louisiana used to be the shrimping capital of the world, with fisherfolk supporting their families and communities from the bountiful waters for generations. But ever since methane gas (aka liquefied “natural” or LNG) export terminals like Calcasieu Pass LNG and Cameron LNG began operating in the area, the waters — and their nets — come up empty. For years, impacted communities across Louisiana have been fighting against the reckless buildout of these facilities, organizing to stop the threat they pose to their livelihoods, health, and heritage.
Now, they’re taking on another sector that’s sinking their way of life: insurance. Specifically, major US insurer Chubb.
Insurance companies are making the world uninsurable
We are in the midst of an insurability crisis. Insurance companies are deeming neighborhoods, cities, and even entire states as too risky too insure due to climate risks — including Cameron. Many fisherfolk have lost their insurance coverage, where insurers tell them the insurance risk is too high in their area to protect them. And yet, insurance companies are covering methane terminals right next door — dirty fossil fuel projects that are poisoning the air, polluting the waters, and pushing our shared climate over the edge. Rather than protect the people of Southwest Louisiana, Chubb is choosing to protect polluters and the very facilities that are making hurricanes so much worse.
Chubb CEO Evan Greenberg claims that his company is a “steward of the earth,” boasting about their so-called Climate+ initiatives. Meanwhile, they’re lagging far behind their global peers and remain one of the biggest insurers behind largest fossil fuel build out of our lifetimes: the methane gas boom all across the Gulf South. The hypocrisy can’t continue. Chubb is just as responsible as their fossil fuel clients for the damage they’re causing in Louisiana – and everywhere. It’s past time for Chubb’s leadership — CEO Greenberg and theBoard of Directors — to listen to communities and become a real climate leader by dropping Calcasieu Pass LNG and Cameron LNG — and all methane gas.

How methane gas is sinking Louisiana fishing families
Don’t believe the gaslighting – there’s nothing “natural” about methane gas expansion. Methane gas is a toxic and volatile super-pollutant, with 80 times more climate warming potential than carbon, and is the fastest growing fossil fuel sector in the world.
Methane export terminals destroy communities, and Calcasieu Pass LNG and Cameron LNG are no different. In addition to countless health and environmental impacts, these are just some of the ways that Calcasieu Pass LNG and Cameron LNG have wrecked the livelihoods of Louisiana fisherfolk:
- Dredging of channels for LNG export tankers harming sea life
- Noise of LNG terminals literally shakes the local landscape and scares fish away
- Massive waves from LNG export tankers are breaking and sinking shrimping and fishing boats
- People living and fishing nearby are getting sick
- Pollution capture cameras show untold amounts of gasses spewing into the air
The bottom line: fisherfolk can no longer survive here – and they blame methane.
“The hurricanes hurt us. It wiped the place out. But we always come back and rebuild. But, as the ships are getting bigger, every year the [fish catch] is lower, lower, and lower. Sometimes when they pass, the trees fall in and they wash all over the place. Nothing can grow in there. And every year it gets worse.” – Phillip Dyson Sr., multigenerational Cameron fishermen

Fisherfolk fight back!
Fishing families have been stewards of the Gulf’s coastal waters for hundreds of years, and are deeply rooted to its preservation. Fishermen Involved in Sustaining Our Heritage (FISH) is an Indigenous-led community organization of over 100 fishing families organizing against methane terminals in their bayous and across the Gulf coast. They’re documenting regulatory violations, filing lawsuits, connecting with the corporations threatening communities, and raising awareness on the massive impacts of LNG. These are our shared demands for Chubb:
- Stop insuring Calcasieu Pass LNG, Cameron LNG, and all methane projects
- Stop insuring fossil fuel expansion
- Work with their fossil fuel clients to transition off of dirty energy
Where YOU come in
In January, the community sent dozens of personal letters to Chubb’s CEO and Board, requesting meetings with the insurance giant to make their demands heard face-to-face. YOU can support fisherfolk’s fight against methane terminals by sending your own letter to Chubb right now. Both Calcasieu Pass and Cameron LNG’s insurance certificates are about to expire (Calcasieu Pass LNG in March 2025 and Cameron LNG in June 2025), making it especially important to pressure Chubb right now, before they renew their coverage.
Last year, Chubb listened to other communities fighting methane expansion, and dropped their coverage for Rio Grande LNG, another export terminal planned near Brownsville, Texas. Together, we’ll get them to drop Calcasieu LNG and Cameron LNG as well – and all fossil fuels.