3 min read
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) may have changed its name to Humane World for Animals, but its animal-betraying, factory-farm-supporting policies remain. Join PETA and urge Humane World for Animals (formerly HSUS) to make a real change and step down from the board of directors for the humane-washing scheme Global Animal Partnership (GAP).
Humane World for Animals Is a Factory Farm Apologist
Humane World for Animals (formerly HSUS), the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASCPA), and Compassion in World Farming are failing to prevent cruelty to animals. They have become apologists for factory farms by sitting on the board of directors for the humane-washing scheme GAP.
GAP uses misleading “animal welfare certified” labels to convince consumers that they’re buying the flesh and secretions of animals who were treated better than those on other factory farms, but marketing buzzwords mean nothing for animals raised and killed for food.
By supporting GAP, these organizations are allowing animals to be:
- Routinely mutilated without any painkillers.
- Forcibly manually impregnated.
- Kept in factory farm sheds that are virtually indistinguishable from operations that aren’t “animal welfare certified.”

GAP’s welfare standards also allow companies to send sensitive, communicative pigs into C02 gas chambers at slaughterhouses, where they convulse and slowly suffocate for up to several minutes.

GAP is also phasing in the abysmally low standards of the “Better Chicken Commitment,” a humane-washing sham that allows chickens to continue to suffer mightily in vile, filthy, factory-farm conditions so the meat industry can profit.
Over 8 billion chickens are killed for their flesh in the U.S. each year. Most of these chickens, called “broilers” by the speciesist chicken industry, spend their entire lives confined in dirty sheds with tens of thousands of other birds, even when their flesh is labeled “Animal Welfare Certified” in grocery stores like Whole Foods. The intense crowding and confinement by the meat, egg, and dairy industries often lead to disease outbreaks, such as bird flu. When the birds are only 6 or 7 weeks old, workers cram them into overcrowded crates and truck them to slaughter.

Urge Humane World for Animals, the ASPCA, and Compassion In World Farming to Stop Supporting GAP
Join PETA in urging the Humane World for Animals (formerly HSUS), the ASPCA, and Compassion In World Farming to stop supporting factory farms and humane washing and start telling consumers the truth: Eating animals is never humane. Go vegan, it’s easy.