Ever have times when it is
hard to put one foot in front of the other and keep forward momentum?
That’s a rhetorical
question – don’t feel the need to answer it.
I think we have ALL experienced that feeling.
I had it today, and a couple
of chance encounters at the Little Yellow Free Pantry brought a little spring
back into my step.
I was getting ready to put
some things in the pantry when a woman got out of a parked car next to me. I saw she was holding what looked like a
coat, and she seemed to start off walking towards our house.
Not gonna lie, I thought, “Noooo! We stopped taking donations for Project
Warmth over a week ago! We do not have
SPACE for any more coats!”.
But I took a quick
breath. I talked to myself (as I so
often do) and said, “Susan, stop. She is
doing something KIND. She is pitching
in. You know IT TAKES A VILLAGE. Smile and accept this donation with grace,”.
So, I smiled.
“Hi! Is that something for Project Warmth?” I said,
gesturing to the front of our house.
She looked at me with a blank face…
“This? Oh, no!” she smiled. “I don’t live around here. This is a coat for my friend’s DOG!”
Ahhhhhh… Embarrassing!
You see Susan, it is not all about you!
Not everyone who parks on this street is bringing something for one of
your projects.
“But, do you live
here? Is this your house??” she asked.
“Yeah, sure is.”
She took a step closer to
me. She looked me in the eyes.
“It is an honor to
meet you. I have sent photos of the things
you do at your home to people around the world, literally, around the
world because I am an ex-pat. I just love
what you all do.”
There. A spark.
Kind words of encouragement. Fuel
to give me the oomph to keep going.
“The warm clothes in front – I love
it. It’s amazing. The sign encouraging people to take things if
they are cold. So personable and humane,”
she said.
I babbled on about Project
Warmth for a couple of minutes, we reminded each other of our names (hers is
Jules 😊 ), and off
she went to bring her friend the dog coat.
I felt better.
Still had a headache.
Still moving in slow gear.
Still concerned about oh
so many things.
But I felt better.
And then…
Just as I closed the little
doors to the now full pantry, a couple I didn’t know rounded the corner. The woman saw me and got a big grin.
she asked enthusiastically.
We hugged. It was nice.
“I am in the same Buy
Nothing group as you! I got a table in
Connection. Community. HUGS.
I grabbed a drink for her
and the person she was with and got them both a little snack from the pantry,
then they continued on their walk.
Such simple gestures. Taking time to stop and talk. Being brave enough to ask for a hug.
Simple. But grand. And oh so appreciated.
Our house this evening. Peace sign from the holidays still up – but peace never gets old, does it? |