Leticia Carvalho received your message against deep sea mining

This week, Greenpeace delivered thousands of messages to Leticia Carvalho, the new Secretary General of the International Seabed Authority (ISA). Presented on a giant scroll, these messages stand as a symbol of global resistance against the deep sea mining industry, a looming threat to our oceans.

The ISA shared this moment on social media and Carvalho plans to display the scroll in the ISA museum for all delegates to see. [1]

Leticia Carvalho, the new Secretary General of the International Seabed Authority (ISA), being presented with Greenpeace supporter messages against deep sea mining
Leticia Carvalho, the new Secretary General of the International Seabed Authority (ISA), being presented with Greenpeace supporter messages on deep sea mining

This handover comes at a pivotal moment. The ISA is meeting this month in Kingston, Jamaica, to decide the fate of our deep seas. The Metals Company, a corporation that lurks like a greedy vampire in the depths, is preparing to sink its teeth into the seabed with its first dreaded mining application expected in June. It craves profit at the expense of ocean life, draining the ocean of life and leaving behind nothing but destruction. If we do not act now, this relentless predator will strip the ocean floor bare. But together, we can stop it before it takes its first bite.

Add your voice and sign the petition to STOP Deep Sea Mining

Protest against Deep Sea Mining Vessel in Mexico. © Gustavo Graf / Greenpeace

Stop Deep Sea Mining before it starts

Greedy companies want to mine the seafloor for profit. 2 million people worldwide say no to deep sea mining – will you join them?

Sign petition

This is our chance to show Carvalho and the ISA that there is a powerful, global movement demanding protection for our oceans. At the same time, we must expose the DSM industry’s plans, especially the self-serving TMC, who are brazenly willing to bypass international rules to push their destructive mining ambitions.

If enough governments stand with scientists, Indigenous communities, and ocean defenders worldwide, we could block TMC’s application and secure a moratorium on deep sea mining.

We’ve already made a difference. Public pressure recently forced the Norwegian government to halt deep sea mining plans in the Arctic. [2] Now, let’s make sure no government allows this destruction anywhere in the world.

Thank you for standing up for our oceans. Let’s keep making waves. 

Louisa Casson
Global Project Lead
Greenpeace International

[1] International Seabed Authority – Kingston on LinkedIn
[2] Norway forced to pause plans to mine deep sea in Arctic

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