If elected, the Dutton Coalition has pledged to “approve a bucket load of gas,” drastically expanding the gas industry off Australia’s coasts. This policy threatens our marine ecosystems, coastal communities, and the climate.
The Liberals have no plans to reduce the amount of gas multinationals sell overseas – where 80% of Australian gas currently goes. Instead they want to plunder our oceans for new gas in the middle of a climate crisis.
What is the new policy?
More Offshore Gas Exploration Permits:
Releasing new permits for gas exploration across Australia’s coastlines.
Fast-Tracking Gas Drilling Approvals:
Speeding up approvals for offshore gas drilling, which by default means gutting environmental approvals
Special Treatment for Woodside:
The Coalition plans to approve the expansion of the North West Shelf gas processing facility at Karratha, which is critical for processing gas from proposed drilling near Scott Reef. Doing so means bypassing environmental assessments by pre-approving the project.
Reviving PEP11
The terrible PEP11 project proposed off the coast of NSW was rejected by the current Government earlier this year. However the gas companies are appealing that decision – if it is resubmitted to a Dutton Government, it too would be ‘fast-tracked’ for approval.
No Change to the multinationals making billions from exports
80 per cent of gas drilled in Australia is exported overseas. But the Coalition won’t change that arrangement – instead, they want to extract even more gas from new places in Australia.
What Does This Mean for Coastal Communities?

Increased Seismic Blasting:
Gas exploration relies on seismic blasting, which uses deafening underwater explosions to locate gas reserves. This harms marine life, including whales, dolphins, and other wildlife that rely on sound for communication and navigation.
Environmental Degradation:
Fast-tracking approvals for more gas means gutting environmental safeguards, putting fragile ecosystems like Scott Reef at risk.
Climate Pollution
Expanding gas extraction and burning will accelerate climate change, leading to more extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and further harm to our oceans.
Multinationals over communities
Given Australia already has enough gas to meet our needs, and the clean alternatives are widely available, this policy only benefits the multinational gas corporations. Governments should protect our environment, not private profits. This policy locks Australia into decades of fossil fuel dependence, harming our climate, oceans, and communities.

What you can do?
A “bucket load of gas” means decades of harm for our oceans, wildlife, and communities. Let’s make sure the Coalition knows they can’t get away with this.
Take action today and stand up for our coasts, our climate, and our future.