Have you ever sat and thought about all your flaws, being insecure and lacking that bit of confidence. Going through your mind you know you have a heart that wishes good for people. You know that you have certain good qualities but in the same breath you think that nobody notices your efforts. This is the importance of kind words, a little kind comment may cost you nothing, however it may mean everything to that insecure person who keeps focusing on their flaws. Seeing good in people and letting them know about that particular quality will only add to goodness. We need to encourage others when we see them developing into goodness. Saying kind words are one of the most important acts in life. If we look at the world we live in, we would notice that the imaginary and the vocabulary used by popular media is usually negative words or encourage negative actions such as drugs, gangsterism, vulgar language and the list goes on. This is promoting and encouraging certain behaviour. So imagine the power we’d develop if we encouraged good behaviour, simply by kind words that may warm ones heart up more. People are all built differently, we can never take away the fact that there is good in everyone. If we focus on ones bad qualities we feed that quality to grow and vice versa with a good quality. Imagine the type of people we’d develop by positive words. For example if you have a child and you discourage your child into doing good work and force your child to focus mainly on making money and spending it on entertainment then you would’ve encouraged your child into developing into this person, however if you encouraged your child to earn money and spend it in a good and righteous way, you would’ve developed your child through good words into becoming an asset to society.