Back in March, I wrote about Sequana, one of the worst track-cruelty cases yet. Shortly thereafter, owing to our pressure, Sequana was released from his servitude at the nefarious Camarero Race Track. And a few days ago, I received the following:
“Thank you for the work you do. I recently adopted Sequana from Second Chance Thoroughbreds in Spencer, NY. That organization received him out of Puerto Rico and started rehabilitating him. In researching his background I came across your post about Sequana. This horse is kind, well mannered and enjoys people. Given what this horse has been through, he is going to get a few more months off with lots of ground handling, and then will continue to be a pasture mate as he learns to trail ride with me. We are located outside of Lyons on 100 acres and I am so happy to be able to…
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