Top Villain #5: Margaret Hudson of Burnbrae Farms

Check out the newest addition to our Dynasty of Cruelty Top Villain series—Margaret Hudson, CEO of Caging Hens. She sits at the helm of Burnbrae Farms, and is directly responsible for the misery of hens who suffer in tiny, barren cages. Margaret is the fifth villain to join our Top Villain series, a campaign designed to expose the  Hudson family, the owners of Burnbrae Farms. The Hudsons have been refusing to transition Burnbrae away from cruel cages—prioritizing their own profits over the welfare of hens. Find her Villain Card in select grocery stores now!

Hens Suffer in “Enriched” Battery Cages

Instead of going cage-free, Burnbrae Farms is investing in enriched battery cages, which are only slightly larger than conventional battery cages. Burnbrae claims that enriched cages greatly improve the welfare of hens compared to battery cages—but in reality, hens still don’t have enough space or natural stimulation in these cruel confinement systems.

Shocking undercover footage captured by Animal Justice in Canada’s largest-ever egg industry investigation demonstrates the cruelty that is inherent in caging hens. Our footage of both conventional and enriched battery cages shows hens living in filthy, crowded conditions, with ammonia-filled air burning their skin and eyes, and hens living next to the decomposing bodies of their dead cagemates. It’s nearly impossible to tell the difference between conventional and enriched battery cages.

Enriched Cage

Photo: Abigail Messier | We Animals Media

Conventional Cage

Photo: Existence | We Animals Media

Companies like Burnbrae are at the forefront of the industry’s so-called “enriched cage” deception, profiting from the continued confinement of birds in cruel conditions—all while deceiving consumers.

By transitioning to cage-free, Burnbrae can help steer Canada’s egg industry toward a future without one of the cruellest confinement systems imaginable, aligning with positive trends already taking hold in the US and Europe.

It’s time for Burnbrae Farms to stop abusing hens in cages and go completely cage-free!

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