Original Image China Daily – Info Additions @tibettruth
The Chinese regime invests a lot of effort and resources on its propaganda and disinformation campaigns, especially in regard to Tibet! It wants you to believe that Tibetans are happy and prosperous; that as a consequence of China ‘policies’, life in Tibet is a marvel of economic growth, its people contented and culture flourishing.
However the world is very aware of China’s record in Tibet, the denial of basic freedoms, human rights violations, mass-surveillance and eradication of Tibetan culture. As a consequence there’s understandable cynicism regarding claims made by the Chinese authorities.
This is why China places vital importance on the concept of the ‘independent’ observer, a non-Chinese visitor to endorse, affirm and bear witness that all is well in Tibet and its people. In its latest deception a number of Gen Z guests were invited by various Chinese Embassies to take part in a visit to Lhasa and Nyingtri, in U-Tsang and Kongpo regions respectively.
The four day trip, which took place September 24 to 27, was a staged and cynical illusion which involved a visit to an empty Potala Palace, attendance at an opera; the story of which is a Chinese political re-write of Tibetan history and a trip to a local school. No doubt the children were all super happy to inform their guests what a splendid ‘education’ they were receiving!
Among those who took part in this clear disinformation exercise was Ms Mimi Templar-Gay an English television producer and director. She is reported, by no less than the China Daily, as regarding the trip as ‘amazing’.
What ‘s truly is extraordinary however is that people can be so gullible, or wish to actively collaborate in a clear propaganda exercise, designed to conceal the oppression and suffering of Tibetans!