RENEE McCULLOUGH: 42 bridges to Key West — connections, focus and moving forward

After many days of cold winds and cloudy skies, we began our final ride day with clear blue skies and bright sunshine. Our morning devotion talked about
finding God in the beauty of nature and we certainly experienced this as
we rode through the Keys with their shimmering blue-green waters all
around us. The pastor of our host church later told us that there are 42
keys connected by 42 bridges.

Throughout this journey, we have been connected by a common purPose
which has helped us pull each other through many challenges. By keeping
our focus on God and on our mission instead of on the challenges, we
have completed this journey as a cohesive and stronger team and are
ready to move forward to the next thing God has planned for each of us.

To the next great Adventure!

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