I’ve been doing a lot of thinking this week about the purpose of this newsletter.
We all love nature, the outdoors, adventure.
We all know the planet’s in a bit of a pickle.
I need to do more than that.
I think my mission is to share stories that can fill us with hope and optimism, to help us as individuals move society towards positive tipping points through mass individual action, and to show that the changes required can be fun and make life better.
Enough of the doom and fear!
No more hair shirt, miserable martyrdom! The great reconnection is about living adventurously, choosing solutions rather than overwhelmed paralysis, and taking action – now! – solutions that improve our lives and change things for the better. It’s better than burying our head in the sand / hoping someone else will do something.
So I’m going to try to move from doom to hope.
Below are eight problems that really matter to me, and which I want to try to fix.
You already know them all!
First of all, I’ll list the problems. Wallowing in horrifying statistics is something I spend a lot of time doing, but I’m not sure it’s very effective at getting through to people!
Then I’m going to reframe the problems in more hopeful, solutions-focussed ways.
These are all things I can actually do something about. It bothers me, for example, that if the cement industry were a country, it would be the world’s fourth-largest emitter of carbon dioxide. But this is not my strong point (to put it mildly!). So it feels smarter to push at open doors, go for the low hanging fruit, and any other similar metaphor and cliché…
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