Books are an adventurer’s best friend. They give him the best advice, when going out solo and allows the hiker or camper to relate to the protagonist and either his trials and tribulations or celebrate with him his happy moments. So here are our top 5 books on adventure.
SAS Survival Handbook
Are you a bit scared or have ‘mazeophobia’ (fear of getting lost)? In that case, you should read this book. This is the Special Air Service’s complete course in being prepared for any type of emergency and should you not use to your advantage? John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman the author of this book provides some real-life strategies to survive any type of accidents to escape procedures , explaining how to adapt successfully to various climates, how to identify edible plants, and how to build a fire, with tips on first aid, camp craft, emergency preparation, and more. This book needs to be part of your bug-out bag, just in case a zombie apocalypse was to occur or the world was to end soon. (which is and that’s why you need to have multiple copies in your bunker).
Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival
This book or guide as I like to call it is what back campers, hikers or any outdoor adventurers can relate to. It has managed to become a New York Times Best Seller for a reason. Dave has taken great care into going into the nitty-gritty and details of what it means to survive in the wilderness and how to be prepared. Think of this book as a printed version of a survival series TV Show. The book also goes on to cover topics like What Your Backpack Should Contain, necessary tools and gadgets, navigating the wild, How Not to Get Lost and other important DIY details and instructions. This is a must have for all outdoor adventurers and avid explorers.
333 SKILLS That Will Get You Out Alive
This book contains a lot of humor, giving informational tips on how to navigate with a compass to humorous ways to fending off a mountain lion, learning how to work prepare during a disaster and how to have some basic idea about a modern day protection techniques.
Robinson Crusoe
Although I promised in the beginning that this list doesn’t include novels for bedtime stories, I strongly feel compelled to mention it before I begin the list.
In the words of Daniel Defoe – “It is never too late to be wise” and this book stands by this quote. This is one of my favorite books and I have might have read it about 1-2 times as a minimum.
Robinson Crusoe is the story of a castaway who spends 28 years in a remote tropical island and of his encounters with cannibals, captives, mutineers, until he is rescued and is about an ordinary man struggling to survive in extraordinary circumstances and does the best with the resources he can scavenge.
What I like most about the book, is that once he is stranded on the island, Daniel makes an effort to explain each and every small detail about how he builds his shelter, searches for food and makes tools and this is what makes this a great book.
Wilderness First Aid Kit
Scared of getting hurt and having bruises on your body. If you don’t have an idea of a difference whether it is a fracture or a sprain, this book is one necessary piece of advice that one should have. Not only it will help you outdoors but works very well within four walls and with the family. This includes a logical, commonsense approach to injury and illness that takes into account the unique aspects of the wilderness setting. It is an essential reference for anyone headed into the great outdoors. An alternative to this is Survival Medicine Handbook.
Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties
Are you one of those who aspire to live off-grid. In that case, one of the things you will require is knowing how to build a shelter. This 256 page contains more than 300 illustrations on how to build everything from a bark teepee or a tree-top house to a log cabin and a sod house and others, don’t want to give away any spoilers!
No professional architects are needed here, and knowing how to use an axe is more important than possessing carpentry skills.Additional chapters provide information on how to use an axe, split and notch logs, make a fireplace, and even build appropriate gateways to log houses, game preserves, ranches, and other open areas.
So, now that you know have read the Top 5 Books for Adventure, you should have the necessary knowledge and mental strength to step out into the forest and begin to Settle Outdoor.
Do let us know your thoughts in the comments below or share what gear do you use while hiking or what are your tips when heading out solo or with friends.
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